The Four Great Kingdoms

To my surprise, daddy shook his head and looked downwards at the fire. The flames stopped flickering.

"You… you're really not angry?"

Silence befell the two of us, as we could only hear the crackle of the fire.

The next thing I felt was a pair of firm arms and broad chest hugging me, engulfing me in the warmth was not from the fire.

"Let me make this clear, Fiona. I will never be angry at you, no matter what. You do as you like, even in dangerous situations, just remember that I will always be by your side, no matter what."

My mouth opened in surprise, before letting out a slight chuckle, loosening my body and embracing his hug.

'Yep, that's my daddy all right. Mhmm, this warmth, I can't lose it again.'

Would things turn out the same way? I'm throwing myself at mommy... will things turn out all right with the Kingdom of the North? I thought, suddenly fidgeting.

Tightening his hug, daddy said with a reassuring voice, "Don't be nervous, Fiona. I'm here with you."

"Hm...for... how long?" I asked in a gloomy voice.

That has always been a question of mine. I was just... just a girl he'd found on the streets. Although we are father-daughters by name, would he really be by my side? Would he continue treating me like this... or just leave the next day? Just like my real daddy... he just fell ill so suddenly, and like a blur, he disappeared. Would he be the same?

I hope not. I don't know if I can take it if he were to leave. My nightmares... my fear of blood... I shuddered, cowering back into his warmth.

"My silly little kitten. Fiona, I'll be by your side, always. Forever. No matter what."

Stupid daddy. That's what he said before... and.. and... now... I snuggled closer into his chest, cherishing this feeling... in case it was to go away.

"Now, let's go to sleep. We'll head farther up the mountain tomorrow, and head to the Kingdom after. Is that all right?"

"En," I said while mumbling.

"Are you going to kick me in your sleep again, hmm? Coupled with how you were pouting all week, I thought you didn't want me anymore... Daddy was sad, you know."


"Damnit! Don't fall asleep on me!"


Vincent POV

"Geez, the sun is bright..." I said whilst rubbing my eyes. The chirping of the birds woke me from a great sleep last night.

"Fiona is still sleeping soundly... looks like after talking it over, she's less drained."

Speaking of which, Fiona really is the princess of the Glendora Kingdom. It also looks like it's ridden with issues, starting with the Queen, Fiona's mother. A total bitch! Forcing marriage for power is one thing, but to have your daughter suspect you for the poisoning of her father is another. We've found the root of the problem, and now we must exterminate it. No one shall make Fiona unhappy!

So now I have my priorities straight - most important; never forget: cuddle with Fiona, very important; keep in mind: get stronger, and just as important: get rid of the Queen, unless Fiona forbids it.

I'll be going against one of the four great kingdoms of the continent, and that means enough strength is necessary. But exactly what cultivation base is the minimum requirement? Plus, I need to be protecting Fiona from the dangers of the Frost Prince. F*ck, just thinking about how Fiona got married without my consent makes me so angry. Fiona hasn't even met him yet! What's up with these ancient customs of marrying at a young age?

I am not jealous of them, as someone who's been called aromantic! And it's Fiona that we are talking about! That they... well eventually, have to share beds and kiss just infuriates me!

Damn Snowy! The lowest levels of snow, covered in dog-piss!

Phew. I've got to calm down. I should just concentrate on getting stronger, else I can't even dream about retaliating against the two kingdoms.

Now that I have a spiritual sense, my abilities as an assassin have improved tremendously than when I was in my world, so I can't let it go to waste. It looks like cultivating as an assassin. It is then.

Well, I guess it's for the best. Assassins work in the shadows, without garnering much attention on their identity. Besides, they can also kill enemies many times stronger than themselves, if there's a proper ambush. Perfect for protecting Fiona, as per our current situation.

There is one regret though, and that's because I can't join competitions and show-off to Fiona... better to stay low key! Stay safe!

I hope I don't become like Zhang Xuan (1) with those words...

"Mhmm... mornin, daddy."

"How was sleep last night?"

"Mhm, it could be better. I miss sleeping on a bed."

I patted Fiona on the head. "Yea, me too. Next time, we should remember to bring beds in your spiritual rings. We can get some in the city. But we have a mountain to climb!" I pointed upwards, at the clouded peak of Windholt Mountain.

"Treasure hunting time!"


Fiona and I walked on a winding path around the mountain. Jumbles of rocks piled along the pathway as the wind started howling.

"So Fiona, could you tell me more about the four great kingdoms?" I asked, shielding my face from the wind with my hand.

'A dust storm may kick in, I better stand in front and block it for Fiona.'

"Uh, Fiona doesn't know much about them..."

"Why's that?"

"Fiona... was a poor student," she said with a blush on her face.

I broke into a fit of laughter and teased her. She's so cute! "Weren't you going to protect daddy, hmm? What if a scholar challenged daddy when he's sick and can't think straight, then?"

"That, uh, won't happen."

"Hehehe, what if it was a life or death exam? Little Fiona who doesn't want to study can't help daddy anymore... then..."

"HMPH! You're teasing me again."

"No, no. But what if-"

"We know the four kingdoms for their weather. The Azure Frost Kingdom of the North for the cold, the Glendora Kingdom of the East for prosperity, the Mareriona Kingdom of the West for infertility and mountains, and the Cardinal Ardor Kingdom of the South for its scorching deserts."

"In terms of power, they consider the Glendora Kingdom the strongest, followed by Cardinal Ardor and Mareriona. Mystery shrouds the Azure Frost Kingdom, as they mostly stay neutral in wars, without deploying many cultivators. Its true strength is unknown, but some rumors put it at the top, even stronger than us."

"The Glendora Kingdom has bad ties with both the East and the South, where both kingdoms are eyeing the affluent land and the pure spiritual essence, which is one reason mommy searches for an alliance with the Azure Frost Kingdom."

Interesting. It seems like the Glendora Kingdom is from a standpoint with the East and the South, which is why the bounty for Fiona is so appetizing. The Queen needs the alliance fast with the North. And from what I know from the gossip of the townsmen, the previous war ended up in favor of the East and South. That could be the reason.

But what I don't understand is why the Azure Frost Kingdom agreed to the alliance. What benefits does it bring them, with the condition being Fiona as the bride to be? It makes little sense at all.

"..." I pondered hard about this, walking in silence with Fiona. The wind continued its everlasting barrage of gales and howls.

"Daddy, the air is getting thinner up here. You didn't comprehend the Essence of the Wind yet, so even walking can get dangerous!"

"Damn... it! It's getting... hard.. to breathe! I... I miss the fat.. air!"

"Pfft. No, now is not the time to make jokes, daddy. If you aren't careful, you might end up with internal injuries!"

"I'm good. I understand the wind! The wind is like wolves, howling under the skies!"


"Am I right, Fiona? Wait... what the hell is that? Flying wolves?"