: The Cover of the Magazine...

The next day had come quickly and Snap! is ready to publish their special version of the magazine

They only printed a thousand copies higher than the previous one. They planned to sell about 500 copies online and the rest in one store only

"The time has come to put these on display" Gabby ordered the men to bring the boxes of magazine in the only store they decided to display it in

"Thank you for choosing my shop to sell your special version magazines. And just in time, I was fixing the displays and in a few minutes, it is time to open the store" the owner of the shop thanked Gabby for delivering the magazines personally

The Snap! team head back to their studio and just wanted to watch the reactions of everyone when they saw the special version magazine... Especially Mia


"Look! Is that the special edition Snap! is talking about?"

"Wow, I was just wondering about this look yesterday, and now I can see it, it really looks better!"

"Amy's picture really fitted better for the cover, it attracts more attention!"

Snap! used Amy's photo as the cover this time!

"Miss Mills, here is Snap!'s magazine" the assistant Ally ordered to get her the copy of the magazine had finally came back, it took a while because a lot of people are gathered in one store to buy the magazine

Ally jumped out of her chair to grab the magazine immediately from her assistant's hands, she could not wait for the assistant to come near her to give it, she is too slow

But when Ally lifted the magazine, it was not Mia she saw on the cover

"What?!" Ally got furious seeing the front cover was not Mia anymore

As fast as she grabbed it from her assistant's hands, she threw it in the trash bin and called her mother

"Mother!" Ally yelled once Carol picked up

"My gosh Ally, 'Hello' is the proper way to greet a person. And I gave you the CEO position so I could relax, what are you bothering me about this time?" Carol asked, she was pissed. Ever since she turned into a woman she becomes annoying from time to time

"Have you seen the special version of the magazine I told you about?" Ally ignored what her mother said "What's so good about this magazine? Besides your idol is in it, why bother with me about it?" Carol was disturbed from her relaxation time in the spa for just a magazine? Is this daughter of hers serious?

"Look for the magazine online, you'll know why I am so angry!" Ally ordered her mother like they are just sisters and Ally is the eldest. Ally hanged up after telling Carol the news

Carol was pissed with her daughter's attitude. Again, ever since Amy was kicked out, she had always been angry. She should learn to just forget about that girl

Regardless, Carol was curious why Ally would be angry and bothered her about it, so she went online to search for this Snap! magazine and the picture of the product appeared, the one with Amy's photo as the front cover

Carol could not believe her eyes. Amy is actually on the front cover!

Has she underestimated this girl all this time?

No! She is nothing but a useless nobody!

How is she on the front cover of a magazine?


Mia was in the shop where the 'special' version of the magazine was being sold. Wearing shades and a cap was not enough to disguise herself

She is standing in front of the shelf where the magazine is displayed, clenching her hands. She wanted to sweep all of the remaining copies to the floor but afraid to make a scene

"Is that Mia? I bet she can't handle that her photo was replaced" one of the customers said to her friend

"Well it actually looked better, we underestimated Amy's skills" the other replied to her friend

"We have forgotten this girl is a vlogger, she is used to the camera and have known every perfect angle. Amy is right about Mia being arrogant" the two continued their conversation, they did not even approach Mia, this is a rare chance to see their idol in this kind of places but they were too disappointed at Mia

Mia could not handle the discussion anymore so she left the store quickly and went to the studio again

Mia barged in the studio, almost breaking the glass door

Gabby expected Mia so he is the one who greeted her "Miss Mia, please be careful with the door, you don't want to pay us for it right?"

"How could you replace my picture?" Mia demanded an answer

"Isn't that what you wanted? Yesterday, you said 'I want a version without that woman's photo inside!'" Gabby mimicked how Mia said it yesterday, even adding how she pointed at the photo. The staff witnessing this couldn't help but laugh quietly

"And when I look to where you are pointing at, you are pointing at your photo. So I assumed you didn't like your photo to be on the front cover, and I agreed that we make another version of it. But I can't release a magazine without a front cover right? So I used Amy's instead" Gabby explained, looking innocent since Mia did not make herself clear

As William is hearing this he thought to himself "So much for being great at negotiating" and rolled his eyes and just watched how Mia will handle this

"You can't do that!"

"I'm afraid we can" Gabby cut her off when she was about to speak "Miss Mia, we are paying you to do what we want, not the other way around. We still used your photo as the magazine's front cover, and although the results of its sales are promising, it was not because of you, but because of Amy's photo. You have disappointed your fans to the point the skill of a nobody is better than yours, have you not seen the comparisons yet? Your fans even wondered how it would look like if Amy's photo was to be on the front cover, I just gave my consumers what they wanted" Gabby just looked at Mia with mockery and disgust to even call herself as an experienced model

Mia does not want to back down but she doesn't know what to say, until she saw Amy watching the scene on the side

"You!" Mia pointed at Amy and walked towards her "What did you do to brainwash the staff's mind into removing my photo and putting yours in?" Mia was holding Amy by her collar, squeezing it tighter to make it difficult for her to breath

Willaim, Gabby and the other staff tried to pull Mia away from Amy after seeing Amy struggle from Mia's grip

"Miss George, have you still not understood what I said? What you said yesterday was unclear and I can do whatever I want for this magazine and you have no right to control it!" Gabby told William to control his artist. William just nodded and pulled Mia to leave the studio

Mia was having a mental breakdown in the car, if she cannot handle a simple issue of being replaced, then what would happen to her if there will be a scandal about her?