Let Me Hug You

Han Fei Ye come to the party with Gu Yong. When the two come in, they attracted the attention of all the crowd. When Fang Wei Wei saw him, she thought of what Mark Twain once said 'clothes make the man '.But what she is seeing now is the opposite, because although Han Fei Ye was wearing casual clothes, he looks so handsome.

He looked like an unreachable immortal with the contrast between his black slim-fit jeans, his black jacket, and a white polo shirt. It's understandable for him to be the Campus's Idol.

Fang Wei Wei turned her head and continued chatting with Bai Chianming as if she hadn't see Han Fei Ye. She doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention. But, Han Fei Ye has other plans on his mind.

He picked a wine glass from a waiter, then went to her table. He nodded at Bai Chianming as greeting, then sat down and glared at her: " Wei Wei, Congratulations! You did well." He lifted his wine glass as a toast.

" Thanks, Senior. But it should be me congratulating you. After all, you are the campus's Legend." She forged a smile.

He didn't reply and just smiled in return. At that moment, Bai Chianming hands tightened into fists, he couldn't help but ask :

" Han Fei Ye, do you already know our Wei Wei."

Han Fei Ye smirked and replied with a simple "Mm". He was clearly doing it on purpose.

the situation became awkward. Fang Wei Wei didn't want to stay here to be a cannon folder between these two guys. As she was about to stand up, Han Fei Ye finally spoke :

" Wei Wei. Can I have a dance with you?" He winked at her.

Fang Wei Wei has no intention to dance, but when she saw his wink, she accepted and left the table with him.

At the floor dance, there were a lot of couples dancing. When Han Fei Ye dragged Fang Wei Wei to dance, it attracted all the students' attention. This is really a life's chance to see the Legend Han Fei Ye dancing with a girl. They were also trying to acquire the girl's identity.

Han Fei Ye held her left hand, it was so delicate and porcelain-like. then put his large hand on her small, fragile waist. The two of them moved with the sound of the music. They didn't focus on anything other than the person standing in front of them.

Han Fei Ye obsidian, black eyes were attached to her almond brown eyes, watching how her blinking long eyelashes resembled two little fans.

Felling uncomfortable from his gaze, Fang Wei Wei cleared her throat: " Why did you invite me to dance ?"

"Can it be that I just want to dance with my darling?" He replied with a smile.

"If I knew you just want to dance., I wouldn't accept. So cut the crap!"

"Feisty as usual" he smirked " Ok. I just want to see you before the holiday."

Fang Wei Wei raised en eyebrow " Just like that. You don't have anything else to say?"

" Maybe yes, maybe not. It depends on your mood"

" You are clearly playing the word game with me but unfortunately I'm not in the mood to play with you."

Fang Wei Wei let go of his shoulder and was about to get rid of his hand that was holding her waist to return to her place, but Han Fei Ye held her waist tighter. She was hugged to his warm embrace, hearing his strong heartbeats.

She couldn't deny that the sound of his heart beating is like a piece of relaxing music for her. however, as they were in front of many people, she struggled with embarrassment, but Han Fei Ye's arms slightly tightened around her as he gently spoke near her left ear :

" Let me hug you for a bit. I can't see you again after today until the second semester's beginning."

"Oh," Fang Wei Wei looked up at his beautifully shaped jaw. Her eyes shone as brightly as water, and her cherry lips pouted and her ears turned red from his murmuring voice.

Han Fei Ye's throat knot rolled up and down. He had the urge to kiss her and taste those full cherry lips of hers. Nonetheless; he couldn't do it here. He whispered in a hoarse voice :

" Darling, if you keep looking at me like this, I won't be able to hold myself back, and kiss you right now."

The redness in her ears spread to her face and neck. for Han Fei Ye, she looked so beautiful. Not being able to look at her any longer; he held her head to his chest and exhaled softly.

Fang Wei Wei has mixed feelings. She knew she shouldn't let him hug her here, but she couldn't push him away. She is not a stupid girl or one to toy with guy feelings. She knew that she liked him a little and she could also feel his feelings for her.

However, she has many things on her mind, and she didn't know if she would love him later or if these feelings will disappear when they are apart. She is also hesitant about Han Fei Ye, although she knew a little about him and his family, she didn't know him well. What if he is a bad guy?

Thus, she decided to make use of this holiday to make sure of her feelings and also to know more about him.

After the song finished, Han Fei Ye let go of her and escorted her back to her table. All the crowd was looking at them with awe-striking expressions. Han Fei Ye, as usual, didn't pay attention to anyone and Fang Wei Wei also did so as she didn't do anything shameful or evil, so she didn't have to feel embarrassed or guilty.

When they returned to the table, Bai Chianming was chatting with Su Mian. Fang Wei Wei raised an eyebrow but didn't show any expression. She sat down, took the juice glass that Han Fei Ye had poured for her and drank it.

" Brother Han Fei Ye, I didn't expect to see you here tonight. It's rare for you to attend to this kind of party." Su Mian chuckled, with her sweet, melodious voice: "Unfortunately, Xiaolu is not here, If she saw you here, she would be jumping from happiness." She was still treating Fang Wei Wei as air.

Han Fei Ye leaned back in his chair, crossed her legs and put his arm behind Fang Wei Wei chair :

" Initially, I was not interested in coming, but Wei Wei invited me personally, I have no choice but to give her face and come."

Cough, cough, cough. Fang Wei Wei who was drinking her juice shocked after hearing his words. 'What? She invited him personally? Give her face? He is really shameless.'

Bai Chianming brows knitted but he didn't say anything and didn't even show it in his face. He knew this is not true. However, he was curious about how could the cold Han Fei Ye that he known take so many liberties with Fang Wei Wei. He has seen clearly the interaction between the two at the dance floor, he felt jealous, after all, he loved Fang Wei Wei for many years. But he didn't dare ask her how she feels about Han Fei Ye, fearing that she will say that she likes him because he knew she is a straightforward person.

On the other hand, Su Mian was gritting her teeth, her nostrils flared, a vein popped out in her neck and resentment grew inside her like a tumor. She squeezed her hands into fists and exhaled deeply to swallow her anger. She faked a smile turned her head in Fang Wei Wei direction :

"Are you Fang Wei Wei? "

Fang Wei Wei's gaze was fixed on her phone, without even lifting her head she hummed in response to Su Mian question.

Su Mian clenched her jaw, her temper nearly sparked. But she is an actress, she could easily control her tamper. She smiled sweetly, raised her hand to Fang Wei Wei :

" I'm Su Mian, a freshman from the faculty of Dramatic Arts. Nice to meet you."

Fang Wei Wei raised her head, looked at Su Mian with her beautiful almond eyes and smiled sweetly:

" Nice to meet you classmate Mian. I'm Fang Wei Wei, a freshman from the French Language and Literature Faculty." The two girls shook hands.

"Oh, you are the French faculty Goddess. You are even more beautiful in person." Su Mian gestured with a thumb.

Fang Wei Wei smiled in return without saying anything. She thought 'What an actress! It's useless to speak with this kind of person. It will only lower my IQ.'

Han Fei Ye and Bai Chianming were discussing business. Fang Wei Wei didn't want to stay any longer. She texted her roommates, wore her coat to leave the party.

Han Fei Ye who was watching her from the corner of his eyes, saw this. He also got up, waved at them and left.

When Su Mian saw that Han Fei Ye was leaving, she wished them good night and run after him.

After her roommates returned, Fang Wei Wei and Bai Chianming left the party. As they were about to exit the restaurant, Fang Wei Wei felt her phone vibrating. She has received a text message.

"Wait for me in front of your dorm." It was Han Fei Ye.

Fang Wei Wei felt puzzled,' What did this guy want?'. She shrugged and went back with the others to the campus.

At the campus, Bai Chianming didn't accompany them to the dorm under Fang Wei Wei insistence. He didn't think much and left.

Lee Jeong was sulking all the way to the dorm, she was cursing Fang Wei Wei for not allowing her to stay a while longer with her lover. Fang Wei Wei comforted her with a date dinner with him tomorrow.

Back at the dorm room, Zhao Min and Ye Ying who had drunk so much alcohol, sprawled on their bed and slept without even showering. Lee Jeong was so tired from dancing all night she took a shower and got to bed. While Fang Wei Wei said that she wanted to get something from the dorm manager and went out.

When she got down, she didn't see anyone even after walking for a while. She suspected that maybe she didn't read well the message. As she was about to take out her phone, someone hugged her from the back. As she was about to raise her leg, a baritone, low voice come above her head :

" Fortunately you come. Or else..."

" Or else, What ?" Fang Wei Wei struggled but couldn't escape his embrace. He turned her around to face him, and chuckled: "Or else, I'll shout your name in this late-night till you came down."

Fang Wei Wei giggled and poked his chest with a finger. Han Fei Ye held her waist with a hand and patted her head with the other. After a moment of silence he said :

" Wei Wei, you clearly know my feelings towards you. I can feel that you also have some feelings for me, and I know that you are hesitant about these feelings and you have doubts toward me." He paused then continued, still patting her long black hair: " I can wait for you as much as you want. I won't tell you that I'm serious about you but I'll prove it with my acts. So stop overthinking and be yourself. I will take care of the rest."

He looked at her intently " I'll hold the sky for you" and suddenly he smiled at her like a sudden spring breeze, it was splendid and dazzling then leaned her against his chest.

When Fang Wei Wei came to her senses, she tried to struggle, but he hugged her tightly. She thought. ' This devil, he was clearly seducing her with that smile so he could hug her '

After a moment, he whispered something in her ear and let go of her. Fang Wei Wei's face reddened, he took her hand and walked her back to the dorm. After watching her back disappear in the dorm stairs. He left.

Nor Fang Wei Wei, neither Han Fei Ye knew that someone, whose eyes shining with wickedness, was spying at their late-night date from afar.