A Thief

Fang Wei Wei was sound asleep when she was awakened by her phone's constant ringing.

She roamed her hand and the pillow and grabbed her phone. Without looking at the caller's name, she answered,

" Darling," Han Fei Ye's low, baritone voice sounds in her ears.

"Mmm. what happened this late at night?"

Han Fei Ye knew from her little, lazy voice that she was sleeping and that he had awakened her.

"Darling, Who I am ?" He said.

Fang Wei Wei who was half asleep replied,

" Did you hit your head and lost your memories?"

Han Fei Ye chuckled, " Just call my name. I want to be sure that you don't confuse me with someone else."

Fang Wei Wei rolled her eyes 180 times mentally, " Han Fei Ye, what do you want?"

" Nothing, I just missed you so much and want to hear your voice." His playful voice was so enchanting.

Fang Wei Wei was spellbound by his voice," Fei Ye, I miss you too." Her voice had suddenly a hint of suddenness.

This sudden mood swinging, made Han Fei Ye's heart clenched, peculiarly when he heard her sad voice,

" Did you return to the capital?" He asked,

" No, Grandpa insisted on us staying over at his place. We will be back tomorrow." Her voice had regained its usual gentle tone.

" Well. how was your family gathering?"

" Good." remembering the topic she discussed that night with her parents, she hesitated.

Feeling her hesitation, Han Fei Ye asked, " Did something happen?"

Fang Wei Wei didn't speak for seconds. After a while, she replied, " Nothing serious."

From her voice, Han Fei Ye knew something happened for sure, " Ok. I will let you sleep for now. We will talk tomorrow when you are back."

Fang Wei Wei hummed in response and hang up. She looked at the phone for a while, put it down then flipped on her bed to sleep.


Han Fei Ye who had just left the party was heading to his place. He was talking to Fang Wei Wei while driving. Nonetheless, after he hung up, he rolled the steering wheel and changed his destination on the GPS address.


Fang Wei Wei who was awoken by Han Fei Ye's call was sound asleep when her phone rang again.

She was exasperated. She answered and yelled,

" Can't you call tomorrow? Let me sleep for a while. If you call again, I will ignore you for a month."

" Wei Wei, Are you sleep talking?"

Fang Wei Wei was stunned. She thought it was Han Fei Ye but the voice she heard is a girly one. It was Qin Xue' voice,

" Xue, are you drunk?" She asked embarrassingly.

" How can I be drunk? I was at a party tonight and drank a little because I was happy but my happiness got crushed when I went back home. I have no one to talk to except you."

" Did your family cause trouble for you again? Xue, you are already independent. You don't have to care about them." Fang Wei Wei sighed.

Hearing her sighing, Qin Xue said,

" We will talk about this when we met next time. I remember you went back to town. How was it? Oh and what about your shout just now. Who were you meaning by 'I will ignore you for a month? Could it be a lover? "Qin Xue asked, recovering her cheerful voice

" Xue, I want to tell you something."

As she was about to continue speaking, her phone beeped signaling an incoming call. It was Han Fei Ye again.,

"Xue, I will come to your place tomorrow. I have to hang up now. Goodnight."

She quickly answered Han Fei Ye' call.

"It seems like you are awake. That's good it'll help me skip the part of waking you up."

"Are you adamant to not let me sleep tonight? What's wrong with you?" Fang Wei Wei wondered what made him call her again.

" Darling, if you say it like this, I will feel sad. After all, it's not me who woke you up."

Fang Wei Wei chuckled, " Ok. you can keep acting but it's not the time for me to play with you."

" I'm not calling you to play with you. Quickly put on a thick coat and come downstairs. I am in front of your house."

Fang Wei Wei was surprised. She didn't react until she heard his voice again,

" Darling, do you want me to go up to your bedroom. Just tell me which one it is and I will climb up."

Fang Wei Wei woke from her stupor and said,

" Han Fei Ye! Did you lose your mind? It's 1 AM. What if dad or grandpa saw you? " She shuddered at this thought.

"Stop talking and quickly come down."

Fang Wei Wei threw her phone and rushed to her wardrobe. She changed into a black jacket and black worn jeans, put a cap on her head than climbed down from her window.

Her bedroom was on the 1st floor and under her window, there are Oak trees. Thus, it's easy to jump down from there. Actually, she had done this many times when she was a child.

Outside, in the dark boulevard, Han Fei Ye was leaning on his car door and looking at Grandpa Fang's house waiting for Fang Wei Wei to get out.

Suddenly a dark shadow jumped from the Fang' house wall, next to where he was parking his car.

Han Fei Ye stood straight and looked at the shadow's face.

" Hi!" The shadow spoke with a gentle, sweet voice.

Hearing Fang Wei Wei' familiar voice, Han Fei Ye walked toward her, grasped her arm, and dragged her to his car.

Fang Wei Wei didn't resist. The two sat in the back seats of the car.

The moment fang Wei Wei took off her cap and hood, She was taken off the car seat and put down on a pair of strong thighs.

Han Fei Ye circled his arm around her waist to prevent her from moving in his lap. He held her chin with his other hand and bent his head down to kiss her lips. His thin lips were so soft and warm.

Even though it's been just two or three days since they last met, but he had longed for her so much.

The kiss turned from gentle to passionate. He inserted his tongue in her sweet mouth and invaded every bit of it. He sucked her tongue so hard that it turned numb.

Fang Wei Wei who was enveloped in his warmth, felt her legs turned soft from his kisses. Even though she was struggling to catch a breath, she couldn't push him away because she was rent weak by his hot kissing. Yet, her body stiffened.

Felling this, Han Fei Ye ended the kiss and pressed his forehead on her forehead. His hot breath was tickling her red face. He took a deep breath to calm the fire raging inside him, then looked at her eyes,

"Darling, you are so brave. You dare to jump from your house' wall like a thief. What if your grandfather saw you and shot you down, thinking you are a robber? En?"

Fang Wei Wei regained some of her strength, she punched his muscular arm, "If that happens, it will be because of you. Who told you to come to grandpa's house this late at night? Although, That won't happen because I knew very well where did grandpa hide the surveillance cameras."

Han Fei Ye chuckled, he put her head on his shoulder and run his big hand through her soft straight, long black hair. He liked it when she let her hair sleek and straight.

The two hugged in the car without saying anything. Even though there was silence but it was not the awkward one. On the contrary, it brought both them a sense of security and serenity.

Han Fei Ye was about to break the silence when Fang Wei Wei hugged him tightly and spoke,

"Fei Ye. I may be going to study aboard for two or three years." Her voice was so low and had a hint of sorrow.

Han Fei Ye's heart trembled. Nonetheless, he didn't show it on his expression and patted her back,

" Did your family ask you to study aboard?"

Fang Wei Wei who was nuzzling her head on his neck, shook her head and said,

" It's my parents' suggestion."

Han Fei Ye looked down at her and asked with a hesitant tone, " Do you want to go?"

Fang Wei Wei had noticed his weird tone. She raised her head and wanted to get off his lap to sit beside him and speak. But Han Fei Ye didn't let her go. He turned her around to face him,

" Just speak, don't move carelessly, Or else you'll have to bear the consequences." His voice has a threatening hint.

Fang Wei Wei didn't move anymore. She recovered her composure and raised her head to look at him,

" Actually, my parents didn't suggest this just like that. I always wanted to study in Paris at Sorbonne U for my master's degree. And when I saw the academy program in Lin U, I thought that I should not continue studying there for more because even though it's the best in the country, it can't be like the native colleges. Hence, I... I decided to transfer next year. However, ..."