The curved needle went through the skin, just above the layer of fat. As it exited directly across from the first puncture mark at the other side of the wound, the black thread tightened. Two steady hands, covered in blood, tied the thread into a small knot. The needle looped to the other sections of the wound, repeating the same actions, in the same order, all equidistant apart. When the stitches were done, it was bitten off and tied. The man's shirt was pulled off and the small hands searched for more wounds.
After she was sure she had done as much as she could for the man, she wiped the sweat off her brow with the back of her wrists, for her hands and parts of her dress were covered with his blood. She put the patient's shirt and pants back on. She boxed the used healing items and threw them into her spatial ring to dispose of later. After, she took out a water sac and dumped the contents on his masked face.