
Doevm raised an eyebrow. Elero took a step towards him, her gaze locked with his. Doevm sighed: "I suppose, if one had to make an exact choice from the options you gave me, you could say I both stole it and acquired it from unbelievable odds. Since stealing is relative however, I guess you could say I lean more towards the option of unbelievable odds."

"What do you mean?" Elero asked, her eyes narrowing.

Doevm picked the frog leg back up and ran the dagger along the bone and flesh. "When I say unbelievable odds, it means because no one could believe what happened. No one predicted it, the betrayal. I looted the book as a conquest of war. His name was Ashtehar, War Monk. I took it after he killed my subordinates, killed my Captain, hurt my friends, and killed my comrade."