Doevm and the rest of the group swept through the chamber. Any evidence of their brief stay, such as the dried sweat on the stage or the uprooted moss, was either burned or stuffed into their spatial rings. After finishing up, they traveled to the winding caves below and washed their hands in a nearby pool of water.
"So is that everything?" Thomas asked as he wiped his hands on his last clean set of clothes. Doevm raised an eyebrow. "It just seems sudden," Thomas continued. "I feel like we haven't really explored this cave. I know you found a new spear but it seems like there should have been something more back there."
Doevm shrugged. "This place was a gamble anyway. I am just happy I found something." He took out the map and a light crystal before walking down one of the winding tunnels. "Come on, I'll lead us to the way out." The rest of the group followed behind him. Frey was at the very back.