A foul-tasting wet rag was stuffed into Thomas's mouth, and when he tried to activate his life essence, nothing happened. 'Poison.' He struggled and kicked and flailed as he was pulled further from Frey by four men in black masks. He tried to scream, which finally made Frey turn his way. "Help," Thomas tried to say. "I need…help."
Branches and leaves broke the further Thomas was pulled into the mess of vegetation. Elbows and fists jostled him and dull, creaking pains assaulted his body. A foreign weariness overtook him, whispering like a forbidden temptation to shut his eyes. "Only for a moment," the weariness said, but Thomas forced his heavy eyes to remain open. 'Not yet.' He thought. 'I've…we've worked so hard.' He moved his fingers around. No one noticed his spatial ring plunk into the water. He was still being jostled around, which he only knew because his world shook. The pain however, had left.