Final Secrets Revealed

Frey sat against the wall, staring at the demon as it tortured itself. An army of rainbow-like sparkles invaded his vision and flew around even when he closed his eyes and let his body relax. With each breath, a portion of the sparkles vanished. His mind grasped reality again and the weight of everything crashed down upon him. "It's over." He sighed. "It's all over. Thank you and, I'm sorry for being a dick."

"No," Doevm said as he plopped down on the stone ground right next to Frey, his bones rattling against the stone. "I'm the one who should be sorry."

"About what?" Frey asked. The white, flaming aura around him vanished in a puff of smoke. "It's all my fault. If I had just trusted you more, none of this would have happened. You always have a reason. I knew that and yet I pushed that feeling to the corner of my mind."