"Are the students really going to be fine with just the instructors to watch over them?" General Von Trike asked as he and the other two generals watched the students scramble into position down at the base of the Knight's Academy stairway.
"I am sure they will be fine," princess Molly said, waving a hand at the far away group of students. "But why was I brought with you guys? Can't I stay with Jackal…the rest of the group?" She cursed under her breath.
"We all have no choice," Marble said. "We were summoned."
"Oh," Molly said, lowering her head. "In that case, I suppose it does not matter what I say." She let out a long sigh, curtsied, and said the words she had been taught since first learning how to talk: "I, princess Molly, formally accept the generous invitation to this meeting. If I may ask you to assist me in arriving at my destination in a timely manner, it will be greatly appreciated." She bit her lip, hard.