The maid flinched back at the very sight of Lance's magic and clutched at her dress. "I'm sorry," she squealed, her eyes squeezed shut. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt him when it's my fault."
"Olpi, open your eyes," Lance huffed. The maid sheepishly opened her eyes to see that the magic circle was gone. "That wasn't the spell you thought it was. You might be a servant but punishing you with magic is not acceptable in this academy. This is especially true since all our servants, Demis, have magic. Speak, why did words of thanks facilitate violence."
"H-he…" the servant took a step back. "Nothing." The orb lit up.
"The truth, Olpi. You might be trying to help him but it will only make things worse, for both of you. Only the truth can clarify the situation. This academy's rules will always bring justice to the right people."