Elero's Return

Alexander shook his head as the two youths in front of him. "Life isn't fair. The only person that can change Elero's mind is herself. If I were to let you two interfere, she would resist and dive deeper in her path."

Thomas let his body relax and slid down the cavern wall. "Then it's too late. There's nothing we can do?"

The general gave a weary smile as he took out a water sac and downed the contents: "It's not too late. I already told you two about what happened to Jameson. In the end it was his decision whether to get stronger in vain or be loyal to his allies. So, what do you think will happen now? This sparring session was just to stall while Elero made her decision." He glanced over to the front of the cave, where a winged figure had just stepped in: Elero.

"By the goddess, you guys look like shit," she said just before she crumpled to the ground. Her wings and cracked halo vanished.