Thousands of Undead soldiers rose to their feet. "No." Cerlius said as he glanced down at his skeletal hands. "This can't be happening." He slapped himself but he felt no pain, nor much of anything really. The only true sense of himself was a result of the burning inferno welling up in his hollow chest. It rose and shrunk like faint heartbeats. His small, blackened heart expanded and contracted.
It beat as fast as lightning, and louder than thunder, enough to make his head throb. Cerlius shut his eyes and, when he opened them, he was looking at his own, human face. His chest rose and shrunk. His rapid breaths fogged up the cracked mirrors of his Meditation Chamber. 'My core!' He thought. He forced his breathing to slow, sat back down, and withdrew into his mind, where upon he found a spherical core bigger than before but undamaged. In addition, there was now a black thread leading out of it.