'Breath in,' Thomas thought as he distanced himself from the others. 'Breath out.' All the deep breaths in the world could not prevent what was happening. Only he could. He just didn't want the others hearing his guttural groans. He clutched at his stomach as a silent agony burned within. He must resist but his stomach; it was so empty, so very empty. A single strand of drool dripped on the ground.
'Damn it,' he thought. 'I had hoped we'd see at least one venomous salamander. Elero and Frey are tough. Alexander told me that it doesn't matter how tough someone is as long as they have their back turned.'
Frey and or Elero would run after him if he bolted out the exit. He cursed under his breath, realizing he should have wandered to the entrance. Instead he had lingered by the double doors at the back of the rectangular chamber.
"I swear he's doing this on purpose," Frey said from around the corner.