The Survivors

With both shamans down, Thomas jumped up and yelled, "Take that you filthy fucking demons!" He followed the statement up by firing a third time.

The captain didn't look up from his fallen shamans as he snatched the bolt out of the air and snapped it between his claws. Blue life essence surged and lessened around his body. He threw down the broken shaft and spat on it.

"Good job Thomas," Frey said as he spotted the two corpses. "But it may not be over just yet." He pulled the noble to his back and waited with a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek.

  When the smoke finally cleared, the captain raised a hand into the air and shouted a single word. His warriors seemed reluctant so he shouted again.

"Frey, they're hesitating," Elero said as she leaned towards her enemies. Frey merely looked over his shoulder at her, the calm before the storm, should she keep testing his patience.