Lich Unleashed Part 1

Several centuries before the present day; a captain's account of the battle at Vilbar's capital: 

The dead, they set fire to our fields and trampled upon the wheat. Terrible plumes of smoke fouled the clear sky. A thousand of our best men marched atop the city's stone walls, like our forebears had done time and time again in centuries past. Our arrows rained down upon the enemy but it was all for naught.

We failed because we were weak. Human. We needed to sleep, eat, and drink, all while that thing incessantly breathed down our necks. Night and day it stood outside our archers' range, watching the city be eclipsed by dark forces. Our own men rose from the very stone which they had been slain upon, grumbling and moaning. They turned their blades upon me and my brethren as if to blame us for their untimely passage.