Doevm stepped past the last of Zolgon's reserve troops, brandished his spear, and took a breath. The mess hall awaited ahead. "Time to-"
"Cerlius," a voice called out. Doevm looked down to find a chubby hand tugging at his robe, and a tearstained face of the sorry student whom it belonged to. His body stopped at the waist. "Y-you gotta help me. I know we always stayed away from you in class, because you tried to mingle with those Demis and what you did to Travis. I never cursed at you or hurt you like others did. I'm not a racist like them. I swear to the goddess. Please, help me with your magic. I don't care what it costs! I don't care if it's heretical magic nor that the academy bans it! Just get me away from those demons. I can't take this pain anymore."
Doevm raised an eyebrow: "Who are you?"