Disarming Sincerity

Gwen's house was empty.

"What the hell happened here?" Frey asked aloud.

"She left," a voice said, and Frey recognized the voice as belonging to Owen.

Owen had thinned as a result of winter, but remnants of his fat still clung to his now-sagging cheeks like stains to his black apron. He seemed so small as he stared up at Frey. His vacant, beady eyes looked emptier than the house.

"She left?" Frey repeated.

Owen gestured to the empty house. "Left without a word. At least I got to keep the shack, so I can take all my stuff out of it."

Frey wondered if he had gone numb for a moment. The only thought that crossed his mind was what a waste of time it was. 'All that build up for nothing?'

He slid a hand down his forehead as he took a moment to think. "At least tell me what happened."

Owen's pained expression was as plain as day. "I prefer to talk somewhere else, or maybe can you just go away? I still need some time."