Frey huffed out a foggy breath as he approached The Pit, its entrance hanging open in the night like a toothless mouth. He took two more breaths, paused, then smiled. 'I guess old habits die hard,' he thought. He let the tension fade from his shoulders. At sunrise, he would always enter ready for a fight. At night, it was a silent welcome back. He stepped inside and a wave of nostalgia assaulted him.
Everything was the same: the stale air, the half-broken dummies, and even the circles in the dirt. A pang shot through his heart as he found himself longing to train with his old squadron one more time. However, he had new allies, who had been waiting for him. He spotted Olpi, Elero, and Thomas, but not Doevm: "Is Doevm not here yet?"
Elero looked up from filing her nails: "Nope."
"He told me he'll be here soon," Thomas called from the back of The Pit. He lobbed a dagger at a training dummy, retrieved it, then repeated the process.