An Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 39 An Unexpected Harvest

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

After arriving in front of the Lizard, Leo then went to check the toughness of its skin. After realizing that it was unexpectedly strong and hard, he decided to let the Earth Elemental cut it into multiple pieces. 

As expected, the Earth Elemental was able to easily cut through the Lizard's skin compared to the dagger he brought with him.

Leo plans to bring the Lizard along so that he can make armor or even clothes made out of its skin. He was sure that ordinary steel arrows or swords wouldn't be able to cause him any damage anymore if he was wearing such armor.

After finally cutting the Lizard into pieces, Leo shockingly discovered that the Magical Beast was actually a 1 Star Magical Beast. That's because he is staring at its Magical storage right now, otherwise known as Mana Stone, in excitement. 

He wanted to jump around in joy. But he quickly composed himself.

The moment he saw the Lizard was seriously injured, he assumed that something much more powerful had surely caused it. He still didn't see such a Magical Beast capable of injuring the Lizard anywhere yet, hence he needed to always stay vigilant in case it was nearby.

After Leo stored the Lizard's body inside a net bag, he then put it in a safe corner at the side of the cave. He wasn't still done with his adventure within the cave.

There was still another hole leading to a much deeper part of the cave.

Moving along, Leo found nothing in his path. But, he didn't mind it though since a 1 Star Lizard lives in this place, thus all the Mana Stones around should have long been consumed by it. Considering that it was seriously injured too, the more likely it would have used all the Mana Stones nearby to try and heal its wound.

As Leo continued to walk deeper, he unexpectedly found something interesting.

It was at the end of the cave.

As he looked up above, he discovered with great astonishment a dozen pieces of large Mana Stones embedded into the wall. The Mana stones weren't only large, but it was also dark blue, which simply implies that they have a lot of Mana stored inside.

Moreover, the large Mana stones were already refined.

Leo was curious as to how and why, but since it wasn't important to know about it right now, he just shook it off his mind. The most important thing was that the 12 large Mana Stones were now his for the taken.

"Now the problem is how would I bring the 12 large Mana stones with me without getting noticed by anyone."

Removing the 12 large Mana stones was easy since he could just use his Earth Elemental to take it off the wall. But bringing the Mana Stones outside without getting noticed by those people working at West Sewer Management was the real problem.

Just a while ago, when Leo was walking deeper into the west sewer to begin his mission, there were already a lot of workers that he had met along the way. It was the only problem if he wanted to bring the 12 large Mana stones outside.

Even after thinking deeply, he still doesn't have any idea. He could only order the Earth Elemental to remove the 12 large Mana Stones from the wall first.

After removing the 12 large Mana stones, Leo could then see clearly that the 12 large Mana Stones were as big as fifteen inches in diameter. It was the first time for him to see such large Mana stones.

"These large Mana Stones are truly marvelous!"

After a few seconds of marveling at the 12 large Mana Stones, Leo suddenly thought that he could actually insert 2 of the 12 pieces of large Mana stones in his bag. But the remaining 10 would still be a problem since he doesn't have any other bag to put it in aside from the net bags.

Also, he doesn't want to just leave the 10 pieces of large Mana Stones here either and just come back later on since the Magical Beast Lizard, who once guarded this part of the cave, was already dead. Sooner or later, those other Magical Beasts around the entrance of the cave would come. And the moment they see the 10 large Mana Stones lying around, they would surely use it for themselves.

Leo might even unexpectedly cause the birth of another powerful Magical Beast due to just leaving all these large Mana Stones behind.

"Net bags..." Finally, Leo was able to think of an idea.

Getting some net bags, Leo started putting all the large Mana Stones inside. Afterward, he made the Earth Elemental carry it.

After thinking for a bit longer, he thought of just covering the 12 large Mana Stones inside with Magical Beasts' bodies.

Brian had said that the West Sewer Management would only check the heads of the Magical Beast, not keep the heads. Moreover, he also said that he would check the heads and not the bodies. 

In other words, he could do whatever he wanted with the Magical Beasts' bodies. Though it would be a bit heavy, it wasn't a problem since he was carrying a treasure with him.

Who on earth would even mind carrying a heavy bag especially knowing that gold bars were inside? Even the laziest person on this planet would not mind doing such a thing, so why would he mind it?

After reaching the place where he had hidden the Magical Beast Lizard's body, Leo then started taking some of the Lizard's parts. Realizing that the space was wide enough, he carefully inserted the large Mana Stones inside, perfectly hiding the Mana stones.

Leo continued to repeat the same action until all the 12 large Mana Stones were finally perfectly and carefully hidden inside the net bags, specifically 6 net bags.

He decided not to put the 2 Mana stones that he had planned to put in his bag since there were still those tiny size Mana Stones inside. He almost forgot about them as he was just so excited the moment he found the 12 large Mana Stones.

After finishing everything, Leo finally decided to return. Along the way, he naturally went to look for the other net bags so that he could bring them with him. It was a waste to just leave them behind, after all. Though some of the net bags were already empty the moment he found them, surely some Magical Beast had found it and had eaten the bodies inside. It wasn't a pity though, since he already had a lot of treasures with him. Losing some wasn't a problem. No need to be too greedy.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Leo finally realized another big problem. He finally remembered that the hole was too small to fit all the treasures that he had bought.

"Dammit! What a troublesome situation!"

Looking at the hole, Leo thought of doing something really crazy.

In the next instant, he ordered his Earth Elemental to smash the hole to enlarge it to the point where it could fit everything.

To be honest, Leo wasn't worried that the cave would just collapse after the Earth Elemental smashed it. In fact, he was even hoping that it would collapse so that the weak part of the cave wall would be separated from the strong part.

Anyways, he had his Earth Elemental with him. So, the moment the cave collapses, he would still be able to get out by making the Earth Elemental dig another hole.

Thankfully, though, the wall didn't collapse like what Leo had expected.

The wall was unexpectedly tougher than he had imagined.

Arriving at the Sewer Rat's nest, Leo couldn't help becoming excited as he looked at all the treasure he had found.

"All this thing is mine! Hahaha!"

The West Sewer Management was only going to check how many heads he had killed and give him the corresponding points he had earned afterward. After that, he will keep everything.

Moreover, Leo had already estimated that he would highly likely be able to earn around 1,000 points with all the Magical Beasts he had hunted.

And he just realized right now that he actually killed over a hundred Magical Beasts. Though the majority were weak Magical Beasts. But still, it was considered a Magical Beast.

Also, Leo might even earn more points if he showed Brian the head of the Magical Beast Lizard, a 1 Star Magical Beast.

Leo can't help feeling ecstatic about his current situation.