Osborne versus Selina part 1

Chapter 744 Osborne versus Selina part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, Osborne and Selina prepared themselves for their fight against each other. Selina took out her sword and equipped herself with the 5-Star level armor she had once used during her fight against Faye in the first round. On the other hand, Osborne used every passing second to recuperate more stamina and energy.

Finally, the staff asked, "Are you both ready?"

"Always been born ready," Osborne responded.

"I have long been waiting for our fight," Selina put her hand forward and taunted Osborne.

"Since both of you are ready, then you may begin!" The staff announced the start of the battle as he then quickly distanced himself to a safe enough location.

Hearing the staff's announcement, both Osborne and Selina swiftly lunged themselves towards each other.