Chapter 2: Another Win for Freedom, 5th of March 2021.

"…and because of the disclaimer, Mary Sheng didn't break any laws when she drew a sad bear looking at an empty honey jar."

Eileen Lu finished her statement and she corrected her glasses. She wore the glasses as a fashion statement, and because she knew that the judge on the case, Feng Woo, liked goofy women. Eileen looked at Feng and gave him a pretence innocent-look, knowing that she had him in her back pocket.

Feng Woo cleared his throat and spoke.

- You raise some valid points, Miss Lu. I am willing to drop this case if Miss Sheng, apologises to Chairman Xi about the resemblance between the sad bear and our Supreme Leader.

"Please don't make a scene!" Eileen thought as she leaned over to her client and whispered in Mary Sheng's ear.

- Please take the plea bargain. I have done everything I can to save you.

Feng Woo:

- Don't whisper to your client. Everyone deserves to hear the advice that you are giving your client.


- I am sorry for my insolence, Magistrate Woo. I merely recommended my client to accept your gracious offer.

Feng Woo:

- But, if that is the case, how can we be sure that the client shows remorse for her thoughtlessness?

Mary Sheng interjected:

- Please, Magistrate Woo. I want nothing more than letting the Chinese people know how sorry I am.

Feng smirked at Mary and replied:

- Good. How lucky that we have a camera in this courtroom filming the proceedings

- Read these lines. We will record until you get it right. I want to see heartfelt remorse on the video. I don't want to see a woman who is lying to save her life. Can you do that?

Mary nodded, and one of Feng's aides handed Mary a note. Mary read the note a few times, and she started crying. Mary

- I am ready to film.

Feng clapped his hands and he replied joyfully:

- Excellent. Get ready, team. Let's produce a new masterpiece.

An AV-crew entered the room and they rigged a video shoot. A few minutes later, Mary was ready to film. Mary looked into the camera with her teary eyes, and she spoke

- I want to say sorry to all the people of China who I offended with my talentless drawing. Being a true patriot, I cannot stop thinking about Chairman Xi and it influenced my drawing. The empty jar symbolises how poor China was before our saviour, lifted our people out of poverty. I am truly grateful for how merciful the court has been towards an old woman like I.


- Cut!

- Such terrible acting. But I cannot back down on my word. Get out of here you wretched cow! Dismissed!

Eileen acted decisively and pulled Mary out of the room to avoid a confrontation. When they were outside of the courthouse Mary shouted at Eileen.

- You destroyed my legacy, Eileen. I should have stood strong and taken my unjust punishment. Instead, I looked like a snivelling coward, praising Jing Xi and this travesty of a court.

- I'd rather spend some time in prison, but you stopped me. Why?


- I saved your life. While the court sentence wouldn't have killed you, you would have had an accident within the next year. As is customary for people that anger Jing Xi.

- Faking an apology was to only way to save you.

Mary Sheng calmed down and she covered her face with her hands. After a while she spoke:

- You're right, Eileen. Thank you for saving my life.

Eileen smiled and Mary and replied:

- That's my job. As your lawyer, I am here for you.


- You were the only one. Of the millions that saw and liked my drawing on WeChat, you were the only one who protected me when things got tough.


- That is, unfortunately, human nature and the reason that Chairman Xi can continue his tyranny.

- What are your plans now?


- I'll go home to Suwan. I'll delete my online presence and spend my last year's nursing my grandchildren.


- Best of luck to you. I'll come to visit you, Suwan is beautiful in spring.


- Don't worry about this old hag!

- Focus on yourself, Eileen. Find a rich handsome man, and raise a happy family.

Eileen didn't reply and Mary entered a cab that took her to the train station.

Eileen went home and she poured herself some herbal tea. She felt empty. While she had won in the sense that she had saved her client, she had destroyed Mary's sense of pride and bowed to the tyrant Jing Xi. Most of all she felt shame. Like everyone else she loathed and feared the dictator. Yet she did nothing and instructed her clients to bow the tyranny. Eileen wished that her time to brave would come, but for now, she could only focus on her life and finding that prince charming!