The Mystery Archer

Mera was surprised that the Princess Mayumi has asked to see her in the middle of the night. It was past midnight and the palace was already silent in sleep. She carefully knocked on the princess' door. But even before she could knock the second time, the princess pulled her in.

Mera was shocked at the sudden gesture and was surprised to see the princess all dressed up and prepared to go out, "Your Highness, what is going on?"

"You have to help me get out of the palace before everyone wakes up." Mayumi answered.

"But, why? You know that the King doesn't want Your Highness going around the kingdom without the palace guards." Mera reminded her.

"Exactly why I want you to help me. I want to personally find the musicians from the orchestra I played in before."

"Wouldn't it be easier if you looked for them announced?"

Mayumi sighed, she didn't think it would be this difficult to try reasoning out with Mera. "Look, you know how long it has been since I've went out the streets unguarded."

"You haven't been allowed since your mother-" Mera restrained herself from talking any further, "What does Your Highness exactly want to happen?"

Finally, the princess decided that she'd just tell Mera the truth. She trusted her the most in the castle, and she believed Mera would tell no one the real reason why she wanted to go out. "Look at this."

Mayumi held up the locket her mother gave her when she was little, "Just a while ago when I was tinkering with this, I found out it had a tiny keyhole. So, I tried looking for the key around here but it was nowhere to be found. I want to head over to the town's locksmith so I can ask him to open it."

"But why do you suddenly want to open it, Your Highness? What if there's nothing inside?"

"But what if there is something inside?" Mayumi insisted.

Mera finally bowed her head in defeat, "Fine, Princess. But you have to promise me that you'll be safe."

"I promise." Mayumi gently smiled in response.

"How long would it take for you to get back?"

"I'll try to be back in the afternoon. Just come up with an excuse if father or Queen Hera starts to look for me."

Mera nodded her head and helped the princess walk out of the palace through a passage that servants used. The princess disguised herself as a commoner and wore a coat to prevent anyone from recognizing who she is. Not long after, she was far from the palace grounds. Mera waved her goodbye and wished her luck, immediately running back to the palace before the other servants woke up and started looking for the princess.

Mayumi smiled to herself as she walked casually in the streets of Daran. It was very early in the morning and people were starting to pile up in the market square. It amazed her how after years of drought, Daran was finally back to being an economically-powerful kingdom.

She knew of a locksmith who owned a jewelry store in the town plaza. When she and her brother were younger, Queen Haleya would bring them there to look around. The store was filled with beautiful jewels and accessories. It was also the same store where her mother got the locket for her.

She continued walking to where she remembers the jewelry store has been. It was quite a long way since Daran's plaza was the biggest in all of the kingdoms. The plaza was in all bright colors when the sun finally dawned. It seemed that Queen Hera was putting so much effort in preparing for the town's founding festival.

In the past three years, Queen Hera has been a good queen to their kingdom. Even if she was a Namayan, she did her best to earn the approval of the people in Daran. With her projects and ventures, the people eventually came to her liking. If anything, the only reason Mayumi still felt distant to the new queen was because she came into the princess' life when she was still grieving of her mother's death.

She finally sees the jewelry store she has been looking for, so, she hurriedly walks over before anyone took notice of her.

Upon arriving, she immediately sees the man who was her mother's friend. He grew very old now, wrinkles were very visible in his face. But he still had the smile he'd wear whenever she and her mother came over to see him.

"Good morning, young lady! What can I help you with today?" the old man asked.

Mayumi removed her hood to reveal herself to the locksmith. As soon as she does, the locksmith's face fill with surprise and joy, "Your Highness!" He kneels down, "It is an honor to have you here."

"Please." She gestures for him to stand up, "Just address me like a normal customer. I came out today on my own so people would not notice me. I'd be glad if you helped."

He immediately stood up and smiles widely at the princess, "Of course. Anything for the daughter of the sweetest Queen Daran has ever had. You've grown so well, Your Highness. You are as beautiful as people gossiped you'd be."

Mayumi chuckled at the statement. She suddenly wondered if how she looked like at the age of sixteen has become a mystery to the townspeople. "I was playing with the locket Mother gave me when I realized it had a keyhole. She bought this here, do you remember?" She held out the locket for him to see.

The locksmith nodded, as if reminiscing, "Of course. This was the finest jewelry my store possessed in a very long time. Your mother said she wanted to give you something as precious as you are. And though this piece of diamond does not equate to Your Highness, it somehow is the best comparison."

Mayumi's heart felt warm, remembering how her mother told her that she was Daran's diamond. Thus, the diamond locket. She then proceeded to ask, "Can you perhaps open it for me?"

The locksmith had a surprised look on his face, "Didn't she give you the key?"

Mayumi could only shake her head in response. So, her mother had the key all this time.

"That's strange. She took the key that came along with the locket." He explained, "The design of the key and the keyhole are very intricate so that no one could open it but the owner. I'm afraid I cannot open this for you, Your Majesty."

The princess' face fell. Where could she find the key to the locket if her mother had it? Her room has been long cleaned up. The worst possibility is that it has already been thrown out.

Just then, a scream was heard from outside the shop. People started running to the center. Mayumi puts her hood on back and runs out with the locksmith to see what commotion was all about.

As soon as she gets into the crowd of people, she did her best to squeeze herself in. Finally, shock emerged on her as she saw a man lifeless in the middle of the mob. An arrow was struck to his chest.

The locksmith worried as he lost sight of the princess in the sea of people. He was about to send a message to the palace when he remembered that the princess asked to keep it a secret that she went to his shop. He felt defeated, not being able to do anything.

Mayumi, on the other hand, was fast to get out of the crowd and find any trace on who could have shot the arrow. She was running around the corners of the plaza when she finally took sight of a person, in full black clothing, at the top of the tallest palace wall. Immediately, Mayumi knew it was that person who shot the villager. The archer held the bow in hand and wore a black hood that covered half of her face.

The princess was sure that the culprit was a woman. She was petite, and strands of her long hair dangled from inside her hood. But she was definitely skilled, Mayumi thought. The distance of the wall from the place the villager was shot required someone who has advanced archery skills.

As soon as the mystery woman realized someone's eyes on her, she quickly shot another arrow which Mayumi unsuccessfully dodged, scarring her shoulder. The princess instantly checked her bleeding shoulder and as soon as her eyes darted back to where the archer was, she was gone.