The Founding Festival

It was finally the day a lot of Daran people waited for. On this very day, sixty years ago, the Diwan and Aldan ancestors merged their kingdoms to form the beautiful and prosperous kingdom of Daran. While it was inaugurated yearly, this is the first time in ten years that the palace has prepared an actual celebration for the people.

Mera gushed as she finished fixing the princess' hair for the celebration. Mayumi felt uncomfortable of the gown but she decided to wear it since the Queen made an effort to prepare one for her. Mera was looking at her intently so she asked if anything was wrong with how she looked.

"No, Your Highness. It's just that I have always known you were beautiful." Mera replied, "But today, you certainly look like a goddess. You look exactly like Queen Haleya!"

Mayumi smiled gently as she looked in her face in the mirror. People had always told her that she looked like her mother yet she never believed them. But somehow as she looked at her reflection today, she felt just like the late Queen. "I wish you and Akil could see me from wherever you are." she whispered to herself.

When she got out of the room, both her father and Queen Hera were waiting for her. The Queen's mouth gaped open as she admired the beauty of the young princess, she couldn't help but tell everyone how beautiful the princess looked like in her eyes. King Manos, on the other hand, was quiet for a while, carefully examining the young lady in front of him.

He had a wistful look in his eyes as he spoke, "Seeing you like this makes me feel like I haven't look at my daughter for a long time." He approached her and gently kissed her forehead, "You look just like your mother."

The festival started off with a parade from the castle to the plaza. The royal family each rode a carriage which was pulled by a horse. Mayumi's carriage was being pulled by Lakan, a young and beautiful stallion her brother has given her when she was five. Lakan and Mayumi grew alongside each other. Besides Mera, Lakan is the closest thing the princess has to a friend.

Townspeople were in awe at the sight of their princess. It almost has been a decade since they've last caught sight of her. And from then, it was undeniable that her beauty has blossomed. Though uneasy of all the attention she was getting, Mayumi composed herself and focused on the main reason she came here today.

Her eyes were darting around the plaza as the program went on. A couple of times the King Manos asked her is anything was wrong but she denied, she said she was just uneasy as it has been a long time since she was in a crowd like this.

Queen Hera was then called on stage to give her welcoming message to the people of Daran. The crowd cheered as the Queen stepped onto the platform. Queen Hera had elegance written all over her. She was outgoing but she was still reserved as a queen would be. The people loved her personality and though they'd never forget Queen Haleya in their hearts, Hera has done well in filling the position.

"It's very great to see everyone present today." The Queen started her address, "I have been very excited for this day to come. Preparing for it has been tiring but sure was very worth it. You all have been very kind in accepting me as your Queen. I may be a Namayan by blood, but I am indeed a Daran by heart. Consider this festival my gift to the kingdom for your warm acceptance."

Mayumi clapped with the people as she ended her speech. She talked well, no wonder the people are in favor of her.

Mayumi started feeling uneasy as her performance neared. She was looking around for Mera to get her harp when she noticed a strange woman roaming the area. Despite the princess' curiosity, she didn't stare at the woman too long, afraid to scare her off. She was oddly familiar but it was difficult to tell because only her eyes showed from a black outfit that covered half of her face to her feet. Mayumi carefully watched her movement from the side of her eye.

After a while of observing the woman, Mayumi realized that it was the mystery archer from yesterday. At the same time, she finally found Mera from the line of servants on the side of the stage. Through a signal they created, she alerted Mera that the culprit was already in the area and that she had to alert the palace guard to heighten security.

Mera, handed over the harp, agreed and discreetly walked away.

Not long after, Mayumi was called onstage and the crowd roared in anticipation of her performance. She slowly got up the stage, increasing the audience's excitement. Before she started playing, she took the moment to officially greet the people of Daran, "I am very glad to be able to share with you today a song that my late mother, Queen Haleya, may want all of you to hear. This is to our Diwan and Aldan ancestors, to the late Prince Akil and Queen Haleya, to our dear Queen Hera, to King Manos, and to the people of Daran!" The crown cheered and clapped for her again.

But as soon as she started playing the harp, the crowd fell into deep silence, as if being lulled into a deep sleep. All eyes and attention were on her and no one dared to make a sound.

As she started singing, the people started to tear up to the sound of her sweet voice. It's as if the Queen Haleya has come back to Daran to console the people and remind them that she never really left. Her presence will always be with the gift she gave to the people, Princess Mayumi.

From the corner of her eye, Mayumi saw the archer even while she played. Even the strange woman stopped to listen when the princess started her performance. But just as she was about to end, the woman subtly walked away and into the same area she was in when she shot the villager.

Mayumi felt her heart beat faster as soon as she saw this happen. She stepped down from the stage and people were congratulating her but the side of her eye stayed with the mysterious archer who was standing on the top of the wall but with no one being able to notice her. This made Mayumi anxious and fidgety as she went back to her seat.

The next part of the program required the royal family to grace the stage together and reveal a statue made for the kingdom's sixtieth year of existence. King Manos would be the one to remove the covering and Queen Hera and Princess Mayumi would have to stand beside him.

When Mayumi looked back to the wall, the archer was no longer there. For a moment, she almost felt like she was hallucinating. When she looked over to Mera, she gave her a sign that she has successfully alerted the guards.

The ceremony went peacefully. The crowd applauded as the beautiful statue which showed the faces of Daran's ancestors along with Queen Haleya and Prince Akil was revealed. The princess felt her heart warm as she sees the images of her mother and brother peacefully sitting with the descendants of their kingdom. She looked up at the heavens and gently smiled.

A deafening scream was then heard from the crowd amidst the loud applauses. Everyone stopped and to Mayumi's horror, she saw the mystery archer standing far across the other side of the stage with her arrow pointed towards King Manos. As fast as she could, she grabs on to her father and pulls him to the side, the arrow hitting a servant instead.

The crowd started to grow alarmed and soon enough, the plaza was in chaos. The general ordered the army to seize the archer and everyone of the guards were soon after her. Mayumi quickly asked Mera to fetch Lakan for her and she quickly joined in chasing the culprit no matter how many times King Manos and Queen Hera stopped her.

The king felt weak and fainted at the sight of his only daughter leaving the gates of the kingdom to chase after a criminal. Queen Hera fortunately was very quick to catch the King and ordered the servants to bring him back to the castle immediately.

Before the Queen left with the King and the servants, she took one worried glance at the gates, wondering what would happen next.