Good day to everyone reading this novel.

Yours Truly, Prime here.

UPDATES: indefinite hiatus

Specific Time: As of the moment, my job is requiring more time than I expected.


Please ignore the auxiliary, it is undergoing maintenance.

Everything written here are a work of fiction meant to be enjoyed by me. If they resemble people you know with the same name, I don't know them and it's not about them.

Hopefully, my story will not clash with other stories. Though I am inspired by most popular webnovel novels here in the app, I'm not so sure my novel goes through a similar route.

If you also enjoy the novel, good for you, but I usually perceive my novel more for my taste- than readers.

But if you do want more people to read my novel cause you think they'll appreciate it, wow, thanks. I am honored.

The views and opinions included in this chapter belong to the author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of Webnovel.The content of this chapter is restricted. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this chapter to anyone outside of the Webnovel app and in the internet. The integrity and security of this chapter cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Please help me keep my novel away from plagiarists. Support my novel here in Webnovel.