Plot For Apocalypse (Prologue)

"Yo, Adrian, my man! I heard you're throwing a birthday party? I'm invited right?" Friend number twenty-seven asks me as I walk into class.

"Of course you are bro!" I reply with a wide smile. I've never wanted to murder someone more than friend number twenty-seven.

"Oh, am I invited too!?" Friend number nineteen asks excitedly. I wanna take my pencil and jam it through his eye socket.

"Of course, everyone is invited!" I say with a smile. Yes. I have to say everything with a smile. That's who Adrian is. He's a simple-minded tool forced to the bidding of those around him, forced by his own mother to throw a birthday party for people that don't even know him. I told her I didn't want to throw a party... that's right. All I want to do is plan...

Plan the destruction of this world.