Prom Dance

Friday afternoon in the cafeteria at Santa Barbara High school… "Students, We have Spring Prom Dance tonight at 7pm and bring friends or boyfriends here," Principal Perkin announced on speaker. " "Little brother Dave, I might ask Chester to dance with me," his adopted normal-size sister sits with my adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave). "Go on," Big sister Dionne. His high-pitched tiny voice cues to me. "Excuse me, Would you dance with me on Spring Prom Dance tonight," Chester? I read lips to communicate with him. "Absolutely! I will pick you up at 6pm," Dionne. A cartoon chubby tween Chester replied cues. 

After school… "Grunting… I can't fit my Prom dress because I am too chubbier," Little brother Dave. His adoptive normal-size mute sister attempts to dress on. "Maybe You should lose weight to fit your Prom Dress," big sister Dionne? My adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave) concerns cues to me. "Hmm… I try to exercise help me to lose few weight," little brother Dave. 

Whatever funny happens exercise in the chipmunks' room at 702 Liberty Lane Seville house… "You are about three hundred pounds on BMI scale," big sister Dionne. His high-pitch tiny voice cues to me. "Oh. It's hopeless. What I am do without fit my Prom Dress," little brother Dave?! "Calm down… Hmm.. I have an idea of my uncle Simon's weight loss potion helps you to lose few pound to fit your Prom dress," he thinks of brilliant idea. "Is it safe," his adoptive normal-size mute sister suspects cues to him. "Yeah! Drink it," big sister Dionne. My adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave) gives this to me. "Alright. Sipping… I think I feel so funny," little brother Dave. "You're so skinny and beautiful to fit your Prom Dance," his high-pitch tiny size voice cues to me. "It's working! I have ready to dress on now." "Aha! Oh, wells? It's growth potion!? I must be mistake that I thought it's weight loss potion. I have to warn her before it's too late," he reads and notice on a label of potion bottle. 

Continuous tonight in Spring Prom Dance of gym at Santa Barbara school… "Oh, wells? You are taller than me," Dionne. A cartoon tween chubby Chester said. "I am not sure I might growth spurted," Chester. "Let's dance now," he escorts me. "Sure! I guess so," Chester. "Psst, Dionne!" My adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave) jumps on the white tablecloth. "What's up," Little brother Dave? His adoptive normal-size mute sister stops dance with her cartoon boyfriend tween chubby Chester. "I tell you something that I give wrong potion was growth potion not weight loss potion," big sister Dionne. He confessed to me. "What!? I feel weird and what happen to me!? "You're get bigger and bigger," Dionne. My cartoon boyfriend tween chubby Chester seems freak out on me. "Ouch! I am becoming fifty-foot giantess," little brother Dave!? "Calm down… where are you going," big sister Dionne? My adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave) still on white table cloth next to my cartoon tween chubby boyfriend Chester. "Sobbing… I am going home!" His adoptive giantess mute sister stomping out of the gym and headed to the Seville house. "Little Mr. Seville, tell me what's going with her?" "Sighs. I explain to you," Chester.

Return to 702 Liberty Lane Seville house… "Are you sure about this," Dionne? My adoptive blue-clad uncle brawn eldest chipmunk Simon Seville stands on the ladder near me. "When I drink your weight loss potion helps me to lose few pounds but I feel weird and start to getting bigger and bigger into fifty-foot giantess that my adoptive tiny size brother Dave gives growth potion to me not weight loss potion," uncle Simon. "Whoa! Calm down… oh, wells?" "Uncle Simon, it's my fault to give wrong potion to my big sister Dionne," my adoptive tiny-size brother David Seville (Dave) tells a truth to him. "Oh, brothers! I told you not give it to your adoptive big sister Dionne stuck being fifty-foot giantess forever," Dave. He disappointed with his adoptive tiny-size childish human son David Seville (Dave). "Maybe she sleep in the tent because my adoptive big sister Dionne not fit in our house," Uncle Simon. "Sighs… I will tell your adoptive dad Alvin about it," his adoptive blue-clad eldest brawn uncle chipmunk Simon Seville walked in the white back door of Seville house.