The Second Test 1

After fifty minutes, most of the better youths had reach the top of the mountain where the Southern Wind Academy resided. Many of them were lying on their backs, deadbeat exhausted. The sound of ferocious panting could be heard. There were even some that had to regulate their body's spiritual energy flow through meditation. This showed that the selection test was no joke.

Wang Li Tian completed the test easily within forty minutes. This time however, was inaccurate as he wasn't trying his best at the start of the test. There were many people looking at the 12 year old boy standing under the shade of the maple tree. They were extremely confused by Li Tian's display of stamina. Was that youth secretly a powerful Demonic Mud Ox? Where did his reserve of power even come out from?

Jiang Rou Xuan completed the test smoothly too. There were a handful of young cultivators that were like Li Tian —who weren't even bothered by the spiritual pressure— and Jiang Rou Xuan was one of them. She had caught the eye of the different school elders.

As the hour finally ended, those that weren't able to complete the climb by the time limit were taken off the steps and back down to the entrance. Many were regretful that they could not push themselves further on to the next test. In the end, the starting 5000 youths had ended with less than 500 participants left.

"Congratulations to the young cultivators that have made it to this point! The final test shall be the determining factor of whether you will be accepted by our different martial schools. Now, follow me into the Academy grounds. You shall be competing in the school's holy land of sparring."

Walking to the south of the academy and heading down a long set of stairs, the young cultivators were directed to the side of the Academy's mountain. The side had an unnaturally flat dust ground that was clearly man-made. The ground stretched on for several kilometres, which awed the youths that were present today. This was the legendary holy land where the disciples of Southern Wind Academy practiced.

Today, it being the selection test, there were no disciples practicing their martial arts. Instead, there were 50 platforms spread out across the dust field. These were sparring platforms that were specifically built for the annual selection test. As the participants walked onto the field, there were outer disciples giving random people number tokens. When everyone was on the field, Headmaster Liu Fei Ge started to speak again.

"Let me explain the rules for this round. On each sparring platform, there is a number attached to it, which shows the person's current ranking. Everyone has three chances to compete against any person on the platform. The person currently standing on the platform can either surrender or accept the challenge. Neither of it will consume their chances to compete against another person on the platform. No personal weapons are allowed to be used today and you can only use the wooden weapons provided on our weapon stands…"

"At the end of all sparring, the people in the top 10 platforms will be given a chance to pick a treasure from our Treasure Pavilion! So do work hard to get a higher placing! Just now, random people were given a number token that would display a random position placing from 1 to 50. May we have the first 50 participants to head to your respective platforms!"

Wang Li Tian was one of the people that wasn't given a token. He didn't particular mind it nor did he care from the start. Rather, the only thought in his head at the moment was how he should reveal himself to Jiang Rou Xuan. Should I give her a scare? Or should I show her how much I have improved? Only Li Tian would think about such things at this moment.

The starting 50 martial cultivators got onto the platform. Some were nervous, while others were ready and prepared for such an event. As per normal, there were quite a few people in the crowd that were taking the selection again. Only a few seconds after the gong rang, there were already people challenging the people on the platform. Everyone wanted a chance in proving their worth to the Academy. Many wanted to use this opportunity to assert their dominance against other competitors.

As the spars went on, the switchover rates of the platforms increased. This was especially so for the top 10 spots. There was yet to be a cultivator that held onto his position for more than 5 rounds. Currently, the most noteworthy person on the sparring ground was none other than Jiang Rou Lang, the older brother of Rou Xuan. Jiang Rou Lang was currently in Mid Body Enhancement Stage. He held on firmly to 2nd place, using the wooden sabre to show his strength.

"Psh.. I cannot believe there are weaklings that thing they could contest for the spot of top ten! Surely none of you know how high your ceilings are! Hahahaha!" Whenever he knocked an individual out of his platform, the fourteen year old boy would start mocking his opponent. Of course after hearing his words, Rou Lang's opponents could only grit their teeth and suck it up. They had lost after all.

"Let me challenge you then." A voice from below the stage rang out loud and clear. Turning his back around, Rou Lang realised who his next opponent was. A burly large figure had leaped onto the 2nd place platform. The large figure was currently consuming a dabao. Around his mouth, there was meat juices. With a simple lick from his tongue, he wiped up the mess on his face.

"Luo Zhang Yang, Mid Body Enhancement Stage." The burly boy was none other than the youth that was wanted by Tie Bo Yun, Elder of the school of Fist Arts.

"Jiang Rou Lang, Mid Body Enhancement Stage." Realising his current opponent's prowess, Rou Lang clenched his fist and bow slightly. He was excited that he could finally face someone better.

The atmosphere around the 2nd place platform was silent. Both martial cultivators had not make their first moves. It was only after 10 seconds did Jiang Rou Lang decide to make the first move. Stretching out his wooden sabre, Rou Lang leaped forwards, aiming for the large tummy of his opponent's.

Zhang Yang did not move an inch, but chose to stand firmly on the ground. Rock Body Enhancement, Zhang Yang concentrate the majority of his spiritual energy on his outer skin, creating a tough sturdy body. As the sabre blade came in contact with the fat boy's body, the weapon had been effectively repelled. Rou Lang took several steps back, his eyes narrowed when he realised he had not even hurt his opponent.

"Your attack was so so," Zhang Yang commented while rubbing the spot that he was stabbed. Placing his right leg behind slightly, he readied himself. "It is my turn to attack!"

Just as he spoke, Zhang Yang propelled his heavy body forward. His right arm had contracted backwards and when his body was directly in front of the unprepared youth, Zhang Yang swung forwards.

"Dabao Carving The Heavens!"

Boom! Rou Lang only had the reaction time to put his wooden sabre in front of him. What he did not expect was the sheer propulsion force of the punch. Even after blocking the blow, Rou Lang was blown off the sparing platform, resulting in his lost. Actually, what Rou Lang did not expect even more was how he had been defeated by such a ridiculous punch? What kind of idiot would name their specialty punch after a fucking bun?!