The Second Test 3

After the 'mysterious' one-sided fight between Liu Fei Ling and You Gao Yue, no one dared to challenge the little boy for the number one spot. If Lie Fei Ling could defeat a person who was half-step mid Body Enhancement without even lifting a finger, imagine what he could do with a sword. It was partially true for what the spectators were thinking.

Liu Fei Ling indeed was also proficient in Sword Arts. The Liu Family was currently the strongest Family clan in the Southern Province. They had been sending their children to the Southern Wind Academy for hundreds of years and Liu Fei Ling was another prodigy that they had cultivated. The Liu Family were famous for their Sword Arts and so, Liu Fei Ling was trained from young to be a sword cultivator. However, when Fei Ling was 8 years old, he had met his master during his training in Groove Hollows, a place where Demonic beasts stayed. His mysterious master had taught him the art of Hidden Weapons and the little boy had grown fond of this new found battle style.

Keeping it from his parent's and family elder, Fei Ling would learn from his master secretly whenever he went to Groove Hollows to train. After a short-lived 3 years, his master whom he did not even know his name, had disappeared from his place of dwelling. The only message written to him was that he should improve his cultivation level and head to the Martial Continent. This was a place that Fei Ling had never heard of, but since his master had asked of him to do so, he shall follow through with it.

The time it took for two incense sticks to burn went by and the top 4 placings had not change by much. From first to fourth place were Liu Fei Ling, Luo Zhang Yang, Jiang Rou Lang and You Gao Yue respectively. There wasn't much time left and there was lesser people challenging others now. It was then when a sweet and melodious voice sounded out from the fourth place platform.

"I would like to challenge for fourth place." The girl with the sweet voice jumped and landed softly on the platform. The girl was Jiang Rou Xuan. Her hair was tied back tightly to prevent it from flailing around, yet she still looked exceptionally beautiful. In the entire 50 placements, there were currently only 5 females and most definitely, Jiang Rou Xuan looked the prettiest.

"I usually don't hurt a beautiful girl, but if you insist, I shall put my best foot forward." You Gao Yue voiced his opinion to Rou Xuan and as he had expected, the girl bowed to signal that she was prepared for the fight.

"Jiang Rou Xuan, Level 3 of Early Body Enhancement Stage." She introduced.

"You Gao Yue, Half-step Mid Body Enhancement Stage." the muscular boy introduced too.

Some people may think that Level 3 and half-step was not that far apart. However, that misconception should be clarified. Just like how half-step mid Body Enhancement was far away from mid Body Enhancement, the same could be applied for level 3 early Body Enhancement and half-step mid Body Enhancement. Though, it may not be worlds apart, it was still a huge power difference that Jiang Rou Xuan had to overcome.

The two cultivator drew their weapons, Rou Xuan held her wooden sword while Gao Yue had his wooden pole. Compared to before, Gao Yue was more cautious than his fight against Liu Fei Ling. He waited for Rou Xuan to make her move. Knowing that the muscular boy had no intentions of attacking first, Rou Xuan took her first step forward, pushing her blade towards Gao Yue.

The boy quickly swung his rod forward to stop the sword's forward movement. As expected, the naturally strong Gao Yue had managed to repel the lighter weight, Rou Xuan. However, Rou Xuan did not give up on her attack and swiftly recovered with multiple slashes. Moon Crescent Slash. As the name suggested, each slash from Rou Xuan's sword had been infused with her own spiritual energy and every time the attack flew at Gao Yue, the slash resembled a crescent shape.

Gao Yue knew that if he was not careful and got hit by the attack, Rou Xuan would capitalise on his injury and strike when he was off guard. Thus, to be on the safe side, Gao Yue chose to use his Snake Slither Form to dodge all incoming moves, not once did he try to counter attack. Rou Xuan knew that her opponent was just trying to bid for time and wait till she was exhausted. And so, expeditiously, Rou Xuan switched her sword technique and went for a close distance strike. Within milliseconds, there were already frost particles floating around her wooden sword.

"Glacial Art I - Rise."

The colour of Rou Xuan's eyes changed and turned into a light blue hue. Pointing her blade to the left where Gao Yue was about to land his feet, a large protrusion of ice had erupted from the earth and smashed into the muscular boy. As Gao Yue wasn't able to get a proper footing, he was blasted off by Rou Xuan. There wasn't any counter play. Rou Xuan's fight was flawless.

When the fight was over, the colour of her eyes went back to hazel. The crowd went crazy, shocked by the Rou Xuan's performance. Everyone had thought that size would triumph all, but just like how Fei Ling had completely crushed the big guys, Rou Xuan did so too. Who could've predicted there would be so many young monsters in today's selection test.

After the fight with Gao Yue, Jiang Rou Xuan had to fight against three other people, one in particular, was extremely rude and demeaning to Rou Xuan. That person was currently the 10th platform holder.

"Psh.. Your fighting ability is clearly extremely useless. I'm sure the people that challenged you were just giving you a chance because they want to get in your robe." The boy named Heng You Bei spat lines of defamation.

Of course, Rou Xuan did not take the insult to heart and had simply closed a blind eye to it. Focusing on the spar, she used Rise to blast him off the platform the instant the fight began.