Parting Ways

"Little Li Tian, you have learned the basics of the Brave Heart Manual. So now, I must part ways with you." Mu Zhi Xuan stood by the cliff near their place of dwelling. The sun was setting as the warm rays of light made Li Tian's master glow. The mood was set perfectly for his parting speech. Mu Zhi Xuan looked into the confused boy's eyes as he spoke slowly.

"The time I spent teaching you has been truly enjoyable. The many nights of me repeating to you where you went wrong in cultivating, will always be embedded in my heart." Anyone could tell this speech was not for the ordinary.

"I am proud to say that you have finally managed to understand a third of the Brave Heart Manual." Mu Zhi Xuan was proud, really proud.

"You remember what master always tries to enforce on you right?" This time his eyes were red as if he was going to cry from his speech.

"Master would always say that 'A person who was spoon-fed from beginning till the end, shall not progress further in the road of cultivation than someone who had to face challenges and solve them by themselves.'" Wang Li Tian repeated ad verbum to his master.

"Good. Good that you still remember." A tear went down his face as he continued to speak. "The next steps of your cultivation road will be all on you. Understand?"

"I will not be there anymore to help correct your mistake. As such, you must be resilient! Do not give up on the way!" Li Tian nodded when he heard his master's speech. The message had reached the climax.

"Now, I will be giving you this manual. It is for you to protect yourself when you leave the mountain. I had painstakingly written this down for you and so, do pay attention to my writings okay? Read every word carefully."

Mu Zhi Xuan reached into his robe and took out a brand new paper manual. As said earlier, the Martial Sword God had written a custom-made manual for his beloved disciple. Taking the book with two hands, Li Tian read the three big words on the front: "Quickdraw Sword technique"

"Before you leave this mountain, you will have to finish learning the Sword Manual I had made for you. Understood?" Mu Zhi Xuan patted his disciple's shoulder, looking all serious.

"Yes, master!"

"Good. Good. I shall be leaving now. You know where you should not go within this mountain range. So be safe while practicing." Walking toward the cliff, Mu Zhi Xuan said his last few words to his disciple. Just as he was about to fly off into the distance, Li Tian interjected, stopping him in his footsteps.

"But master, when would I ever get to see you again?"

That question sent chills down his spine just like how it did a year ago when Li Tian asked for him to be his master.

"Um... If you ever reach the Soul Emergence Stage and can traverse the Grand Sea, you can find me in the Martial Continent!"

"Okay! Thank you, master!" Wang Li Tian bowed at a ninety-degree angle as his master finally flew off.

On the way towards the portion of the Grand Sea that separated both continents, the lone Martial Sword God was laughing to himself hysterically. Unlike the sad self before, he clearly looked as if he had just ascended to the next cultivation realm.

"I finally have gotten rid of one less thing I have to worry about! Man! How did I even pull through for a whole year?" Mu Zhi Xuan shook his head while speaking to himself.

It wasn't that Mu Zhi Xuan hated Wang Li Tian or that he thought that Wang Li Tian was annoying. It was in fact because of the boy's extremely slow speed at comprehending information! Things like controlling your breathing when meditating, Mu Zhi Xuan had to correct Li Tian the boy for the thousandth time before he could get the rhythm right. However, that wasn't the worse part. His dumbass disciple could not even tell which was left and right?!?!?!

Mu Zhi Xuan wanted to pull his hair out when trying to teach the boy how to activate the Brave Heart Embodiment Form. In fact, if he could go back in time and meet his friend that created this Manual, he would surely beat the hell out of her, just to vent his anger. Why was there the need to include so many hand formations when cultivating?!

Just when he thought it was all over and all he had to do now was to leave his disciple a Sword Art manual, the underlying problem struck him lightning. How the fuck was he going to create a manual simple enough for his disciples to understand?!?! His disciple got barely even remember his own cultivation manual.

Every night, Mu Zhi Xuan dug deep in this Sword Arts reserves. He analysed and searched for a Sword technique that was perfect for Wang Li Tian. Unfortunately, it was to no avail. There were many techniques that needed the user to have vast reserves of spiritual energy and high comprehension skills, but this disciple of his did not possess either. It was only when he was a week away from his leaving date, did he figure something out.

He had been working on this problem from the wrong approach. He did not need his disciple to become the strongest cultivator in the Great World. He just needed Li Tian to be self-sufficient. And there was one beginner manual that would do the trick. The Quickdraw Sword Technique. By only unsheathing a blade, the swordsman can instantly end a fight before it even started. Not only that, but there were also four moves that encompassed the three basic war tactics, attack, counter-attack, and defense.

As such, Mu Zhi Xuan worked for three nights straight wracking his brain on how he could make this simple Quickdraw Technique even simpler. A book that wasn't even supposed to exist was thus created on the night of a full moon solstice. That night Mu Zhi Xuan couldn't be any prouder of himself. He had not even acted this way when he had advanced into the Domain God Realm.