The Vision 2

Jiang Rou Xuan explained the rewards that each person was eligible to receive. Firstly, from 4th to 10th place, each person is eligible to receive one low grade demonic core to use for their cultivation. On the other hand, 3rd to 1st would receive two, three and four low grade demonic cores in accordance to their placings. The amount of Demonic cores given was by no means stingy as a Demonic beast that was capable of forming a demonic core could only be achieved at a stage equivalent to the Core Establishment Stage. As such, even the lowest amount of refined spiritual energy inside a Core Establishment stage demonic core, is plenty for a Body Enhancement and Spiritual cleansing stage cultivator.

The second thing everyone was eligible for was a martial technique manual. Inside the treasury of the Southern Wind Academy, there were a large array of martial techniques that could be purchased by students using contribution points or demonic cores. Normal coins were not accepted as a means of purchase in the academy. Since Demonic cores weren't easily attainable for outer disciples, the large majority of the students carry out missions to earn themselves enough points to get a new martial technique manual for themselves. Being given a manual from the get go was something wanted by all disciples. It was this reason why the competition was so heated up as everyone wanted to get into the top ten places of the selection test.

Just like the same for demonic cores, the top three would be able to receive one low class manual and get a chance to borrow a mid class manual for nine days. In the case of the other seven, they would only receive a low class manual. Rou Xuan had to explain to the clueless Li Tian on why this treatment was especially advantageous for him. The reason why the academy was not willing to give away a mid class manual so easily was because of its scarcity. When a person masters a mid class manual, they would easily be able to fight against ten people who uses a low class manual. This logic basically applies for even higher classes of martial technique manuals.

The crowd arrived in front of another door. When opened, the youths were welcomed to shelves after shelves of low class manuals. Techniques from all forms of martial arts could be found. These were a result of hundreds of years of alumnus that donated their own martial technique manual to their alma mater. It was this reason why the top four academies in the Divided continent remained unmoving over the years. Their vast storage of resources far outweighed any other school.

"The second floor of this room contains Mid class manuals. Any floors higher is prohibited from entering. Understood?"

"Yes, headmaster."

Anyone was allowed to go up to the second floor to take a peek at the mid class manuals. However, only the top three cultivators were allowed to take one out. When the newly admitted students went upstairs curiously, they soon realised that the number of mid class manuals were way lesser than the low class manuals. That was more than enough evidence to show how strong those manuals were.

"Where do you want to explore first?" Rou Xuan asked Li Tian with a warm smile on her face. Although she had not seen the boy for four years, she knew that Li Tian was clearly distracted by something. That little brother of hers had not change one bit.

"I.. I have to ask the headmaster something. It is important." Li Tian turned to Rou Xuan and looked at her resolutely. Rou Xuan rubbed the boy's hair and laughed sweetly. It stunned Li Tian.

"Silly goose. Go for it. I will be looking around the first floor. Find me when you are done, okay?"

"Okay." Nodded Li Tian. He walked back towards the door where the Headmaster was standing, his hands clasped behind his back.

"How may I help you, young one?" The headmaster, Liu Fei Ge asked for a light smile.

"Headmaster, I would like to request something in exchange for my two manuals." Li Tian was straightforward as usual. He never beats around the bush when it came to decisions that he made.

"Oh? And what would you like to request for?" Liu Fei Ge raised his eyebrows in curiosity. This was the first person that had ask him such a question.

"The Elderly man that guards the Treasury. Can I have a chance to talk to him?"

"Mmm.. Which Elder are you referring to?"

"The Elder who had a long white beard. He stood on the right of the entrance."

When Liu Fei Ge heard what Li Tian said, his eyebrows raised once again. This time it was because he was surprised by his answer. The reason was because, in front of the Treasury, there was only one Elder guarding the door and it was none other than the Elder with a white beard. However, all the youths that had ever step foot into the academy never really noticed the elder in white. After all, the aura exhibited from the black elder was far more suppressive.

"Little Liu, let him talk to me. Tell him to find me here tomorrow." A voice transmitted into Liu Fei Ge's head. He knew the familiar voice was from the Elder in white that spoke in his head. Hearing that the elder had accepted the young boy's proposition, he replied to Li Tian.

"The elder in white accepted your request and told you to meet him outside the Treasure Pavilion tomorrow, when the moon is at its highest." Liu Fei Ge relayed the message. "However, are you sure about this exchange of yours? You would have wasted an opportunity to look through a mid class technique manual."

"Yes headmaster. I am sure of my decision." Li Tian would not be Li Tian if he did not stick to his principles.