A Blast From The Past 2

"Where brings you here, Little Runt? The mountains in these parts are filled with Demonic Beasts. Did you get lost from your parents?" The Dragon's voice had toned down significantly.

"Hey, I am not a runt okay!" Li Tian placed his arms on his waist as he pouted, "And no, I am not lost. I live in this mountain."

"You live here? Hahahaha do you expect me to believe that story? I may be trapped here for a thousand years, but that does not mean that my brain has rotted away."

"I do live in this mountain! I live behind the forest covering your cave! My master built the house for me before he left."

"He left you here with all the Demonic Beasts? Isn't he asking for your death?" The Dragon yawned.

"Well, he left me with the Spiritual Arrays he made. Demonic Beasts cannot come in and would only just die if they get close."

"If that is the case, why did you even have to come out and hunt for that rabbit in your hand?"

"Why not? Rabbits are delicious! Much more delicious than tough Demonic beast meat!"

"…" Wasn't this kid seeking his own death? The dragon realised how eccentric Li Tian was after talking with him for a bit.

"Anyways, I'm going to go off now. It was nice talking to you." Li Tian turned around and started to walk out of the cavern.

"No wait! Wait! Don't leave!"

"Why not?"

"If you leave I will eat you up for dinner!"

"But you can't." Li Tian cocked his head to the side.

"What makes you think I can't do it?"

"There is a barrier in between you and me."

"Ho..How did you know?"

"Hehehe… Do you think I am stupid?"

Yes! I do think you are stupid! The dragon cried inwardly. How did that boy see through his lies so easily? The dragon got the answer to his question right after.

"Ever since I learnt my cultivation manual, I am able to see Spiritual energy easily. In this case, the crystals placed around you had created a barrier."

"Little runt, you're smarter than I thought.."

"Hehe… Thank you."

"Since I cannot keep you here, then leave on your way. It was fun talking to someone after so long."

Li Tian stood still in his footsteps when he heard what the dragon had said. Looking back, he asked: "Are you lonely?"

"N..No! What! Never!"

"Alright then never mind.. Goodbye."

"Ah! Wait wait! I'm actually very lonely! I was lying about not being lonely!" The dragon cried out desperately. Wang Li Tian turned around and smiled at the giant demonic beast.

"Okay, then I shall come back and visit tomorrow! I have to go back and cook the rabbit! If you do not trust me, we can pinky promise!" Li Tian licked his lips as he waved goodbye.

"Okay, Little Runt. I shall take your word for it. Goodbye."

Li Tian remembered the past vividly. It was when everything changed for the better after Master had left him. When Wang Li Tian, penned down the experience as best as he could, he felt extremely tired. Writing was clearly not his strong suit. As it stands, Li Tian would rather undergo tough training for a whole day than write his diary.

"Maybe I should not keep a diary.." Li Tian whispered under his breath. Looking at the number of words that he could not write, the boy decided to crumple up his diary log.

Li Tian shuffled himself into the bed. Lying down, the boy slept instantly. Clearly, the writing had completely wasted his energy.