Rune Forging 2

"Runic symbols are basically the language used in Artificing. They hold the cultivator's spiritual energy and intent. Runes are basically the mediums that hold the Runic symbols. Anything can technically become a rune, even this paper. However, if the medium is brittle, the rune would eventually collapse over time." With a flip of his hand again, Prime Elder Long retrieved something from the air. In his hand, appeared an octagonal stone that had a runic symbol on it. "This here is a rune that can be found in arrays often. This stone is made out of a very strong material called Meteor Stone. It is perfect to inscribe your symbols on it as it will not collapse and break easily."

Wang Li Tian listened intently as he looked at the rune in Long Tang Yun's hand. "This looks like the stones I see in my master's Array."

"Mmm, correct. If your master is an Array Master, he would have used runes like these to construct his powerful arrays. Little Li Tian, you must understand from the beginning that with any strong array, there is an even stronger foundation that supports it. The pillars at the bottom that support the top is even more important than what is above. Understood?"

Wang Li Tian nodded as per usual. Long Tang Yun obviously would not believe in this disciple's action. He would continue to remind the boy as he continued down the road of Artificing.

"Okay. Now, let us begin on your first assignment." With a swish of his hand, another stack of paper appears in Long Tang Yun's hand. There was a runic symbol draw individually on each paper. The rune from before, disappeared again.

"Teacher, you have a Spatial Ring?" Wang Li Tian had to get it out of his system.

"Oh? So you know what is a Spatial Ring?" Long Tang Yun smiled cryptically. He had been waiting for Li Tian to ask what was up with the mysterious appearance of items. In the end, it turned out that the boy already heard of it.

"Yes. My master has one of it too. He said that it is a very rare and powerful item. It can store items inside the space of the ring."

"What your master said is correct." Long Tang Yun took off his spatial ring and placed it on the table. This spatial ring had a small purple gem sitting in the center on the ring. The band surrounding the gem was made out of a resistant metal that prevents corrosion. "It is a good thing you brought it up. As you can see, there is a small purple gem sitting in the middle of the ring. I would like you to take a close look into the gem."

Wang Li Tian did not stand on ceremony. He took the ring and moved it closer to his eye. As he looked closely, Li Tian could see that there were several small inscribing that surrounded the outside of the gem. The inscribing was not deep and left no scarring, making it hard for anyone to catch the contents of the inscription with their naked eye. "There is some inscriptions on it."

"That is correct, Little Li Tian. Those inscriptions are in fact, Runic Symbols. Only a Master Artificer is able to create this Spatial Ring. It takes a lot of focus and skill to create it."

"Are you a Master Artificer, teacher?"

"Oh, no, I am not qualified to be a Master Artificer." Prime Elder Long shook his head in disappointment.

"Then what are you teacher?"

"I am currently a Senior Artificer. A tier below a Master Artificer. If I had to say who was a Master Artificer," Thinking with his hand on his chin, Elder Long continued, "I would say your master is definitely qualified to be a Master Artificer. After all, he is able to create a stronger pressure array than the entire academy of Elders."

Long Tang Yun was not wrong about this aspect. Li Tian's master, Mu Zhi Xuan was known as the Radical Array Master in the Martial Continent. His skill in building Arrays is mostly uncontested. Only a few old devils that focus only on Artificing is comparable to the Sword Martial God himself.

Seeing that Li TIan was not giving much of a reaction after he told the boy that he was a Senior Artificer, Prime Elder Long wanted to cry. It was not like becoming a Senior Artificer was easy at all. "There are different tiers in the Artificer world. The four tiers are Junior Artificer, Senior Artificer, Master Artificer, and lastly, Grand Artificer. Do not think that there is only four tiers and so it is very easy to climb to the next one!"

"In the Junior Artificer level, there is 10 sub-levels. In the Senior Artificer level, there is 5 sub-levels. In the Master Artificer level, there is 3 sub-levels. Only the Grand Artificer is one level. This meant that it is a long way to go before you can finally even become a Senior Artificer! Your teacher is a level 5 Senior Artificer! Don't you think I am amazing?" A sense of accomplishment flushed over Long Tang Yun. He slightly puffed his chest up when he said his tier rank.

"That is very amazing." Wang Li Tian gave a very normal response. It was so normal to the point that Long Tang Yun, lowered his head in despondency. Why did his disciple lack in the EQ department?

However, this was very normal for the little boy. Since young, Li Tian only cared about the things that he found very interesting. In terms of realms and tiers in cultivation and artificing, he could give a single toot about it. What Long Tang Yun does not realise was that Little Li Tian would have been more wowed and interested if he had shown the boy something he had created. Artificing in general was something Wang Li Tian admired and wanted to learn.

"Anyways, the talk about become an artificer is far for you, Little Li Tian. If you cannot even inscribe runes properly, becoming a Junior Artificer would be a towering mountain for you. This is why you will be focusing on Runic Inscriptions!"