Shocked 1

Morning came quickly for Prime Elder Long. For a person who has a life span of 1000 years, one day was just a fleeting moment in his life. Long Tang Yun went out of his cultivation room and stood by the cliff outside his house. The sun had just started to rise over in between the towering mountains. The warm bright glow from the sun shone on Prime Elder Long.

There was a sense of mellowness every time he stood by this cliff in the morning. It allowed the martial cultivator to feel like a normal citizen in Greyhound City. A prime elder rarely feels this way as there were too many responsibilities one needs to uphold.

An example would be the boy inside one of his study rooms. Wang Li Tian was one of his many worries. Reputation was secondary for Long Tang Yun. He was a humble man that only wanted what was best for him disciples. For Li Tian, he did not want such a talent to go to waste.

Shaking his head, the Prime Elder headed into his house once again. This time, he headed to the room that Li Tian stayed. Long Tang Yun imagined that the boy must be sleeping at this hour. Yet, when he entered the room, he was shocked beyond belief. There were many pieces of paper scattered across the ground. A young boy was studiously drawing out runic symbols.

Long Tang Yun's jaw gaped in surprise as he witnessed the scene in front of him enfold. Is.. Is Little Li Tian.. Inscribing symbols by heart? The Prime Elder's eyes darted to position where he placed a large stack of blank paper. Wang Li Tian was on the last few pieces of paper. With every few seconds, the boy drew yet another symbol and flung it onto the floor. He went onto another symbol just like that.

Im..Impossible! The sight was far too unbelievable for the prime elder who had witnessed before how smart Wang Li Tian was. Picking up a piece of paper that laid on the ground, he inspected the quality of each runic symbol. Perfect. Smooth. Not a single error in his writing. Long Tang Yun could not fathom what had happened to this youth in front of him.

"Lit..Little Li Tian.." Long Tang Yun held up an apprehensive position by the door. His voice quivered slightly when he spoke. He was worried that his disciple had been possessed by a crazy artificer that died in the School grounds. "Ar..Are you okay?"

"Oh, greetings teacher." Wang Li Tian broke out of his concentration and realised that there was already light coming out of the rice-paper window.

"You..You're not po..po..possessed right?"

"Possessed?" Li Tian touched his body lightly as if he was inspecting himself. When he couldn't figure out what his teacher meant, he replied back with a perplexed expression. "No? I do not think so?"

"Then why are you writing runic symbols like a crazy person?!?!" Seeing that his disciple was fine, Long Tang sighed inwardly. He exploded in vexation. Which artificer even writes runic symbols like that?

"I…" Wang Li Tian rubbed the back of his head, wearing one his usual confused expression. "Didn't you ask me to use finish the paper and you will give me more afterwards?"

"I asked you to finish using the paper?!" Long Tang Yun was completely floored by his disciple. Truly, Wang Li Tian was still Wang Li Tian. "I said I would replenish the stack of paper if you were to ever need more! It is not that I am asking you to use up everything!"

Wang Li Tian realised he had misinterpreted his teacher's words. He laughed awkwardly as he normally did whenever such a case happened in the past. Long Tang Yun's body was slumped after having that blood boiling conversation. He only recovered when he remembered his latest disciple's feat.

"Little Li Tian, come with me!" The pair left and headed to the courtyard. Long Tang Yun needed some fresh air and so, this was the perfect place to test the young boy out. "Take a seat and write out the 100 runic symbols for me to see. You can use this sheet of paper to write all of it."

There was a giant fresh piece of paper attached to a huge wall in the courtyard. This was what Long Tang Yun used when he needed to get his complex ideas on paper. He had many large scrolls of paper kept aside in a separate room.

Wang Li Tian nodded as he dipped the ink brush in ink before walking up to the wall. As his hand flowed naturally along the paper, Li Tian wrote the symbols from left to right, he wrote one Demonic Beast character before combining it with the other paper. When he was doing that, Long Tang Yun raised his eyebrows. His disciple had a very interesting approach to writing these symbols. At least for him, he had never seen an artificer write it out from left to right.

"Teacher, good morning!" A familiar sweet voice entered the prime elder's ear. He turned around to see his disciple, Xin Shu Yi enter his courtyard. When he saw Long Tang Yun looking towards a wall, she asked while getting closer. "What are you doing, teacher?"

"Little Li Tian is writing out the 100 basic symbols right now. Come take a look." Long Tang said it quickly as he wanted to focus his attention on Li Tian's writing.

"Wh..What?" Xin Shu Yi ran in as fast as she could. When she reached to where the tree was no longer obstructing her view, Li Tian was already ten symbols in.

Ten symbols, twenty symbols, fifty symbols, 100 symbols. On the last stroke, Wang Li Tian finally turned around to look at his teacher's expression. There was an 'O' shape on both Long Tang Yun's and Xin Shu Yi's mouth. Of course, it was because they were surprised by Wang Li Tian's ability to write every single basic symbol from start to finish. How had he done it? Both had no clue what so ever.