Meaning Behind Truth Words 1

"I am currently working on a Snare Scroll. This is a level five scroll, categorised by the Artificer Union." Xin Shu Yi pointed to the scroll that is lying on the table. Right now, it looked like it was half completed. There were hundreds of tiny runic symbols lined across the entire top half of the medium sized scroll. From one glance, Wang Li Tian could tell the difficulty of the creation of such a scroll.

"This is.. Very difficult." Wang Li Tian worried. He thought about the examination on how the Artificer Union would provide tasks to do. Would it be as tough?

"There is no need to worry, Junior brother Li TIan." Xin Shu Yi could tell his junior brother was fretting about the complexity of her scroll. "As I said earlier, this is a level five scroll. There are a total of ten levels for inscription difficulty, level one being the easiest and level ten being the hardest. For the Artificer examination, the inscriptions would be at level three at the very worse. Even if the scroll inscription was level three, they had never asked the Novice Artificers to inscribe the entire scroll."

Wang Li Tian understood what his senior sister was saying. Looking at the scroll symbols, Wang Li Tian could actually read the Truth Words unlike everyone else. Trü. Gûj. Köv. Làj. There were four symbols that were used many times over. In Human Language, it translated into 'Stick', 'Lock', 'Lodge', 'Merge'. Làj was actually the symbol that was deemed as the all-rounder runic symbol.

"This looks correct…" Wang Li Tian blurted out this words carelessly, which caught Xin Shu Yi's ears.

"Ah? Are you talking about my scroll inscription?" Xin Shu Yi asked curiously. She found her junior brother very interesting.

"Oh sorry. I was looking at the symbols. They look correct." Even though Wang Li Tian was innately bad at memorising, he was gradually improving with the slowly growing library of information in his head. However, he did not understand one part in inscriptions for Artificers. "How did you choose which runic symbols to use out of the one hundred symbols?"

"That is a very good question, junior brother." Xin Shu Yi was happy to explain to him, "As you did not read the 'Beginners Guide to Rune Forging', you would not know this. Over the millions and millions of years of Artificing research conducted by our predecessors, discoveries were made behind the meanings of these mysterious symbols. The symbols had to go through trial and error many times over for Artificers to know how to use the runic symbols properly. Many artificers in the past died for numerous reasons due to the unknown effects of these runic symbols. Thankfully enough, the future generations were able to reap what they sowed. Their valiant efforts did not go to waste."

Wang Li Tian was engrossed in what Xin Shu Yi was teaching him. The story that she had told him gave the boy a better idea of what was happening. He pointed to the symbols that were inscribed by Xin Shu Yi, asking about the four runic symbols that he thought about just now. "Then, what does each of these runic symbols mean?"

"These? Well, after deriving the effects of each of these runes, our predecessors named it directly after their functions. These four runes are namely, Sticky Rune, Sealing Rune, Fixing Rune and Combine Rune."

"Oh?" The reply that Wang Li Tian gave was rather ambiguous. Xin Shu Yi thought that her junior brother was just slow to understanding. However, what was going the boy's head was different to her thoughts.

Wang Li Tian was thinking about how the four runes had very similar meanings to the real meaning of the Truth Words. Respectively, they held the same meaning. What about the rest?

"Um.. Senior sister Shu Yi, may I take a look at the book that you were talking about?" Wang Li Tian had to find out for himself. When Li Tian spoke about wanting to read the book, Xin Shu Yi was shock inwardly. Junior brother was going to read a book?

"Sure! I'll help you take it from teacher." Shu Yi quickly left the room and headed to the courtyard. The female disciple told her teacher about what had happened. Long Tang Yun's reaction was definitely more exaggerated than Xin Shu Yi's. He was glad that his disciple was going to read a book.

"Take it." Drawing the book out from his ring, the Prime Elder passed it to Xin Shu Yi. He advised, "Help your junior brother out if he does not understand any part. I am counting on you."

"Understood, teacher." Xin Shu Yi nodded resolutely. As Xin Shu Yi left back into the house, Long Tang Yun let out another sigh of disappointment. If only I was a female Elder… I would've been able to motivate Little Li Tian to study too…

Unfortunately again, the prime elder interpreted his disciple wrongly.