Finding Elder Phoenix 1

Wang Li Tian struggled to get himself out of bed. His head was throbbing from the runic inscription. Although it hurt, Wang Li Tian had a smile on his face. He had done it. He had managed to inscribe a runic symbol by himself. Not knowing how long he had slept for, Li Tian peered out his window and realised it was probably mid-afternoon right now.

He left his room after changing into a fresh robe, in search of anyone that was still in the dormitory. As expected, no one was back at this time. Hungry, Wang Li Tian got a leftover bun from the kitchen before heading back up to find his teacher and senior sister Xin Shu Yi. Today, the young cultivator was breathing hard on the stairs as compared to how he normally was.

Li Tian's weak body was a result of overdrawing on spiritual energy in his reserve. His spiritual root had gotten injured. When he finally reached the familiar looking grounds, Wang Li Tian entered the courtyard before heading towards the house. The arrays set up for Long Tang Yun's place had already detected a visitor and the prime elder headed out to see who had visited.

"Little Li Tian? You are finally awake?" Long Tang Yun quickly stretched out a helping hand and brought him over to the stone table outside. "Take a seat. Do not stress your body out too much."

"Sorry for giving you trouble, Teacher." Li Tian bowed apologetically.

"No, it's fine. I expected it from the very beginning. After all, you were pushing yourself to the limit." The prime elder flung his hand out as if he was shooing a fly. Soon, Xin Shu Yi came out of the study room. She heard the commotion and knew that her junior brother was awake.

"Junior brother, how are you?" She asked worriedly.

"Other than having a weak body and a bad headache, I am fine." Wang Li Tian tried to put up a smile. It turned out rather half-assed.

"There is not need for you to push yourself this hard, junior brother Li Tian." Xin Shu Yi spoke with a stern voice. Of course it was because she cared for his health. "You have only just enrolled into the academy a few days ago, and you had already fainted from overdrawing your spiritual energy."

"Sorry.." Wang Li Tian realised how reckless he was.

"Aiya, there is no need to be so strict on him, Shu Yi. Even though poor health has befallen on him, he did improve a tremendous amount from that experience." Long Tang Yun tried to pacify his worried disciple. Even though his youngest disciple had fallen ill, he did however manage to inscribe a runic symbol in just one days time.

"How long did I sleep for?" The boy had to ask.

"Mmm.. After you fainted, you slept for two days straight without any signs of waking up. Today is the third day, so I would say two and a half." Long Tang Yun calculated.

"Wow, that is a long time." Li Tian rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. He looked to the anxious senior sister that stood in front of him. He apologised one more time over. "I'm sorry for making you worried, senior sister."

"Promise me you will not be this reckless again when it comes to inscription." Xin Shu Yi suggested.

"I promise."

Soon after that, the frown on Xin Shu Yi's face was replaced with her usual tranquil smile. She rubbed her junior brother's hair lightly. "That's more like it. Make sure to rest more. In fact, you should head back to the dormitory and sleep again."

"But… I want to watch you inscribe…"

"No buts! Head back now!" Xin Shu Yi harrumphed. Li Tian tried to look at his teacher, in hopes that he would help him out. Unfortunately, Long Tang Yun raised both has hands and shook his head.

"I can't help you out of this. Shu Yi wants you to head back to the dormitory, so you should just listen to her orders obediently."

"Fine…" Li Tian walked out of the courtyard with a despondent look on his face.

"Walk back carefully!" Xin Shu Yi said with a satisfied smile on her face. Li Tian looked back with puppy eyes before continuing to walk back down the steps.

On his way back to the dormitory, a slightly hoarse voice appeared in his head. "Little one, it seems like you were kicked out of the courtyard, hur hur."

"You saw it?" The boy spoke to himself. Li Tian knew it was Elder Phoenix. After all, who else would speak to him telepathically. Only those with great strength can do that. He had seen Mr. Dragon speak telepathically before too, so it didn't come to his as a surprise when Elder Phoenix could do it."

"Chieh, it seems like you knew of telepathy before I used it on you. I live a very boring life nowadays. Hence, the only entertainment for me comes from the lives of you humans."

The Elder Phoenix's omnipresence in the academy was not known to many. He tend not to interfere with human affairs. Even when he observed corruption in the academy, so long as it does not affect the safety of Southern Wind academy, he would not interfere. Wang Li Tian was a special case compared to others.

"So, did you speak to me today, just to laugh at me?" Li Tian was quite disappointed. Although he hated books, he loved learning new things that required hands on experience. Having to stay in bed was a very depressing thought for him.

"No, I was thinking, since you are free this afternoon, why not you come visit me?" Elder Phoenix proposed a suggestion to Li Tian.

"But, Senior sister asked me to go back to the dormitory to rest."

"Well, it is not like she could track where you had went. You would just have to back to the dormitory before sunset. Simple right?"

"That is true…" Wang Li Tian rubbed his chin in thought. He answered back within a few short seconds. "Okay, I will come visit you. However, it may take me some time to get there. I am not feeling too well."

"Sure no problem, I can help you with that. Just remember to bring your cultivation manual, so that I could take a look at it."