The Spiritual Energy Gathering Array 2

Wang Li Tian learnt about what contribution points were at that juncture. Typically, outer disciples would go out and carry out missions to attain measly amounts of contribution points after every mission. However, as he was under Prime Elder Long Tang Yun, the youth did not actually need to gain contribution points so as to learn new things.

"Thank you, teacher." Wang Li Tian bowed respectfully to his teacher. The spiritual energy gathering array would not be accessible to him if it were not for his teacher's help.

"It is nothing much, little Li Tian." Long Tang Yun waved away his disciple's gratitude, "I would always receive a surplus of contribution points every month. As such, using some of it on my disciples is nothing too difficult."

Wang Li Tian was still grateful regardless. Whoever treats him well would receive the respect they deserve.

"You have six months until the Outer Disciple Competition. Until then, you do not have to come to my residence to learn from me. Focus on cultivating in the Spiritual Energy Gathering Array and practice your Sword technique. I am expecting you to enter the top 50 after the second round." Long Tang Yun set his expectations for his youngest disciple.

"Shu Yi, could you bring your junior brother to the Artificing Center and show him to where the array is at?" Long Tang Yun instructed Li TIan's senior sister. "Also, take this token and show it to the lady at the counter for verification."

The token that had Long Tang Yun's name on it, was a way of verifying that Wang Li Tian was indeed his direct disciple.

"Understood," Xin Shu Yi acknowledged and waved for Wang Li Tian to follow her, "Let us go now, junior brother. Time waits for no one."


As the pair left off towards the Artificing Center, Long Tang Yun sat down by his usual stone table and drank his tea. His mind drifted off into the past, where he had a similar conversation to his third disciple. His name was Jun Zhi Yi, also known as the Demonic Pole Master. The person that Long Tang Yun stated that had gotten into the top ten rankings in the Outer Disciple Competition three decades, was none other than Jun Zhi Yi. Not only that, Jun Zhi Yi had gotten first place through his devilish Pole Arts inherited from his family background. Of course, the young man also had monstrous talents in Artificing.

"Jun Zhi Yi, this youngest disciple of mine may one day be able to contend your talent in both Offensive Martial Arts and Artificing. His personality is surely very similar to you. Oh if only you were still alive…"

A year after Jun Zhi Yi gotten first place in the competition, the young man had accepted an A tier mission that required him to venture into the outside world. He was tasked to find out more information on the Bandits Of Ghostbury City. Unfortunately, he was killed in action. When Long Tang Yun finally gotten a clue of where his remains were, the body was already decomposed to the point that his face was no longer recognisable.

From that day on, Long Tang Yun had no plans of accepting another disciple. Xin Shu Yi had entered under his tutorship just before this event. She too, was heartbroken that her senior brother had been killed. It was only after close to three decades of despondency, did Long Tang Yun accept another disciple and it was his youngest disciple, Wang Li Tian.

The Artificing Center was located at the located parts of the School of Artificing mountain. Many disciples that were not from the artificing school discipline could be seen around here. This was the hub where other disciples can exchange their contribution points for items that the Artificing school has. The most eye catching part in the center was the Spiritual Energy Gathering Array. Its sight was imposing and grand, with many runes laid out in an octagonal shape. There were five floors and each floor contained eight capsules. One person takes a capsule at a time and so, in any given period, there were only forty capsules available.

However, the capsules would never be filled up in one shot. After all, the price to use a capsule would be able to scare away outer disciples. A huge sign wrote '10 contribution points per day."

Every month, a disciple would be given 5 contribution points to use to purchase anything they want in the academy. If anyone wants more contribution points, they would then have to carry out missions. 10 contribution points a day was way beyond what a typical outer disciple could afford, even inner disciples would have to think twice about using the array for a prolonged period of time.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk of the Array Building spoke elegantly. Those that were not willing to spend large amounts of contribution points would've already seen the sign and so, it would mean that the rest were here to use the array.

"My junior brother here would like to rent a capsule for six months. Could you charge the contribution point to Prime Elder Long Tang Yun's balance?" Xin Shu Yi spoke for his junior brother.

"Did you say si..six months?" The lady was so shocked that she stuttered in her speech. Six months would mean 300 points a month and 1800 points for six months. She saw the token that had Long Tang Yun's name on it and realised he was a Prime Elder from the School Of Artificing.