6 Months Later 2

Within a blink of an eye, six months had passed. To martial cultivators, six months wasn't much and could be cycled through during deep cultivation. Xin Shu Yi came down to find Wang Li Tian two days before the outer disciple competition. During this period of cultivation, Xin Shu Yi very rarely saw her junior brother.

The large majority of the time, Wang Li Tian would be seated inside his capsule in the Spiritual Energy Gathering Array, cultivating non-stop. When he ran out of buns and started to get hungry again, the boy would head up the mountain to retrieve more buns that his senior sister had made for him. Both of them would never have a chance to bump into each other.

The thirteen year old had a high level of discipline when it came to cultivation. When things got boring and repetitive, he pushed through, recalling his master's words. 'A person who was spoon fed from beginning till end, shall not progress further in the road of cultivation than someone who had to face challenges and solve them by themselves.'

The boringness and repetitiveness in cultivation is in itself a challenge to many cultivators. When cultivators think too much into it, they would realise that they could accomplish more things in life than just sitting around and absorbing spiritual energy. It was completely normal to think that way as the rate of progress everyday is minuscule and could only be tracked after months of patient cultivation.

The difficulty in the journey of a thousand miles is not just measured by the number of mountains you have to scale to reach the end. Instead, it is also determined by the length of time you endured to reach the end.

If anyone took into account Wang Li TIan's age, this was the very first time the 13 year old had underwent closed-door cultivation for a period of time. Usually, there would be someone accompanying him along the way or his mind would've been split up to do different tasks. The 6 months of cultivation was the first step in Wang Li TIan's thousand mile journey.

"Junior brother Li Tian, it is time to exit from your closed-door cultivation." Xin Shu Yi beckoned from outside. The capsule door was opaque, preventing anyone from peering inside. In the case that a martial cultivator undergoes qi deviation, there is a detection array set up to alert the staff. Help would be provided when needed, otherwise, a cultivator's method of cultivation is sacred and others are not meant to pry into it.

After the time it takes to brew tea, a youth dress in grey robes, exited from the capsule. Physically, Wang Li Tian looked the same as he did six months ago. Inwardly, there was a qualitative change in Wang Li TIan's spiritual root.

"You have entered the middle level of Body Enhancement Stage?" Xin Shu Yi was shocked. She did not expect too much from his junior brother as this was the first time he had went into closed-door cultivation. Most people would struggle to get into the groove of continuous cultivation. It seemed that she had underestimated his junior brother's talent.

"Yes, I have stepped into the middle level about a week ago?" Wang Li Tian roughly estimated as he had no gauge of time in the capsule.

"That is good, very good! You may be able to enter the top 50 with your talent." Xin Shu Yi hoped.

"We shall see." The boy didn't think too much about it. The only thing on his head at that time was that he would be able to see big sis Rou Xuan again.

"Well, let us head back to teacher's residence. He would like to see your progress."


The pair left back up the mountain. Not long after, they arrive at the familiar looking backyard. The prime elder in his grey robes sat comfortably by his stone table. The tea set was prepared for himself and his two disciples that were soon arriving.

"Teacher, we are back!" Xin Shu Yi beckoned to prime elder Long.

"Greeting, teacher long. I am back from cultivation." Wang Li Tian greeted.

"You have entered the mid level already?" Long Tang Yun had the same expression as senior sister Shu Yi when she first found out about the youth's progress.


"That is wonderful news," Long Tang Yun stroked his white beard, "I would be less worried about you when you enter the competition."

"Do you know where you would have to assemble on the day of the competition?" Long Tang Yun asked. He forgot if he had briefed his disciple.

"I do not know."

"Well, the day after tomorrow, when the sun starts to rise over the mountains, you would have to be assembled at the large training field in your respective school disciples. I am referring to the field that you used during your Selection Test when you first came in."

Typically, the training field would usually be used by Outer Disciples to practice their martial arts. However, the School of Artificing did not need to practice martial arts and focused more on the mental aspect. As such, it has been a year and a half since Wang Li Tian step on the field.

"Your senior sister has kindly enough helped you to sign up for the competition a month ago. If not, you would not have been able to participate."

"Thank you, senior sister." Wang Li Tian faced Xin Shu Yi.

"It is nothing much to thank about, junior brother." Xin Shu Yi smiled back, "Just get into the top 50 as a way to thank me."

"I will." Li Tian was determined to not let her senior sister's efforts go to waste. She had cooked food for him to bring into the capsule. If it weren't for her, he would probably have not made it into the middle level in six months.