Competition Begins 2

"I said Big sis Rou Xuan is far stronger than you three combined." Of course, Li Tian could not read the situation and repeated it for him.

The other outer disciples from the Artificing discipline could tell that an interesting scene was about to enfold in front of them. Some disciples from the school of Pole Arts who was placed beside them was also listening in.

"Little kid, you should watch that tongue of yours." The third disciple walked up to Wang Li Tian as he stared straight into his eyes. Obviously, Wang Li Tian does not falter. The ugly third disciple threatened, "I, Tie Gang am one you should not trifle with. I can make your life extremely miserable in the School of Artificing."

Tie Gang and his two lackeys was infamous in the outer disciple circle in the School of Artificing. They have been here for many years and was deemed as the big dogs in the outer dormitory. Yan Mei Xin, the lady in charge of the outer dormitory do not really care about trifle matters such as bullying. So long as no one dies, the outer disciple's business does not matter to her.

Wang Li Tian continued to not speak as he turned a blind eye to Tie Gang's words. He never held the bully in any regards from the beginning. Even the other two lackeys were just props hanging on Tie Gang's shoulders.

Not before long, a news came in that stopped Wang Li Tian from staring.

"Look, look. One of the five Phoenixes, Jiang Rou Xuan has just arrive."

The thirteen year old youth immediately turned his head to look for her. Jiang Rou Xuan wore the dark blue robes very well, her hair was tied up neatly into a cute bun. The thin and streamline face of Jiang Rou Xuan was the root of envy for females in the academy. Not only that, the plump red lips contrast greatly with her pale skin tone.

Tie Gang snorted at Wang Li Tian as he turned around to admire Jiang Rou Xuan. He walked away, while warning Li Tian, "You better watch your back during this competition."

His words did not even enter the youth's head as he continued to smile to himself. "Big Sis Rou Xuan.."

The girl who was receiving all the attention had arrived at the training field with her friend Lan Meng Meng. She did not care about the eyes that pointed at her. Rather, while heading down the steps, her eyes was scanning for a specific person. When she found him, she subconsciously murmured to herself. She realised Li Tian was also looking towards her.

"Little bro Li Tian.."

"What did you say?" Lan Meng Meng who walked beside her asked curiously. She tried to look at the direction that Jiang Rou Xuan was staring at, but realised that she was looking at the disciples from the School of Artificing. "Why are you looking over there?"

"Nothing really," Before looking away, Jiang Rou Xuan gave the youth a parting smile that made onlookers go crazy. The outer disciples from the School of Artificing noticed that the smile was directed towards them.

"Was Jiang Rou Xuan smiling at me?" A random disciple asked.

"What makes you think she was smiling at your ugly ass? Clearly, she was looking at me!"

"Hahaha! You think you have a chance? It was definitely directed at my Big brother Tie Gang." One of the lackey disciples commented. The person whom Jiang Rou Xuan had smiled at was directly behind Tie Gang. Obviously, there was a misunderstanding that arose.

"Hehe, I guess the Phoenix of the academy knows how to appreciate my looks." The ugly Tie Gang raised his chest slightly, looking all proud. All the outer disciples could not say anything to the ignorant bully. If they wanted to live in the Artificing mountain, they had to go along with it in person.

However, in their hearts they were obviously thinking otherwise. Why would one of the prettiest female cultivator in our academy smile at the ugliest mule in our school discipline? Even if she did smile at him, it was probably because she found the face so amusing that she couldn't help herself but smile.

Wang Li Tian knew that the smile was directed to him. He waited comfortably in his spot, forgetting about the incident from before.

Eventually, all the outer disciples had finally gathered in the training field. There were two other times that there was a loud commotion. They were directed towards the other two Phoenixes. The outer court Headmaster, Liu Fei Ge appeared on the stage and officiated the competition.

"To the outer disciples of my Southern Wind Academy, today marks the start of the Outer Disciple Competition! The competition will last for a month, where the competition is broken up into three stages. Within the next three days, of the 10200 disciples that is taking part in the competition, usually only 800 disciples will make it through to the second stage. Subsequently, only the top 50 will proceed onto the third stage. Lastly, only the top 10 would be able to receive benefits to aid their cultivation journey!" Liu Fei Ge gave a brief outline of the reality of the competition.

"I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming stages. Nothing in the life of a cultivator is served up to you on a silver platter! Everything is as a result of hard work! Dedication! And perseverance! Officially, I announce the commencement of the Outer Disciple Competition! Administrators, you may take the stage now to explain the rules."