Finding Jiang Rou Xuan 2

Wang Li Tian walked up with an innocent smile on his face. He was oblivious that there were hundreds of eyes on him at the moment. Jiang Rou Xuan had been travelling by the side of the crowd with Lan Meng Meng, uninterested of the constant gazes from others. He taps her on the shoulder.

"Hey, big sis Rou Xuan!" The greeting was loud enough that other people around could hear what he said. There was a commotion brewing in the background.

"What gall this little kid has! He even dared to tap the goddess on the shoulder!"

"This oblivious person is about to get his finger snapped by the cold Jiang Rou Xuan!"

"Actually, I wouldn't mind being in his place… Imagine getting a chance to tap the goddess' shoulder."

"This disciple must be extremely uncultured. It is expected though. After all, he is from the Artificing Department."

Jiang Rou Xuan recognised the voice of Wang Li Tian without difficulty. She turned around, changing her cold aloof expression into one that belongs to an angel. "Good morning, little bro Li Tian."

"What the fuck!?!" The surrounding outer disciples were stunned by Rou Xuan's reaction.

"Did she just smile back at that Artificing disciple? Am I dreaming?"

"Slap me! Slap me right now!"

Both Wang Li Tian and Jiang Rou Xuan did not care about what the others thought. They simply carried on with their conversation as they followed along with the administrator disciples.

"How did you sleep, big sis?"

"I slept really well. How about you?"

"I slept well too, but I kept waking up as I was too excited about today."

"Why were you so excited?"

"I was excited because I get to see you again."

"Hahaha." The genuine laughter that was rarely seen by others was shown when she was around Wang Li Tian. Lan Meng Meng who was moving along with the Wang Li Tian and Jiang Rou Xuan felt like a third wheel all of a sudden. She was very confused by the situation and had to butt in.

"Excuse me, but can I talk to Jiang Rou Xuan for a moment?" Lan Meng Meng interrupted and dragged her friend away from Wang Li Tian. She then interrogated her.

"What is going on between you and that artificing disciple?"

"What do you mean what is going on?" Jiang Rou Xuan was still smily.

"Like explain to me! Out of no where that boy comes along and you just happily started talking to him. Does it make sense?"

"Ah? Well come over," In the end, Jiang Rou Xuan dragged Lan Meng Meng back to where Wang Li Tian was and introduced her, "This is Wang Li Tian. He is my little brother from my home city."

"Little bro Li Tian, this is Lan Meng Meng. She is a close friend of mine in the academy. She is the niece of my Prime Elder, the one I told you about." Jiang Rou Xuan introduced her to Li Tian.

"Nice to meet you, Lan Meng Meng. Thank you for keeping big sister company." Wang Li Tian was courteous with his words to whoever that took care of Jiang Rou Xuan.

"Uh.." Lan Meng Meng did not really know what to do. She looked at Rou Xuan's expectant face and knew that she would not be able to escape this. Meng Meng greeted, "It is nice to meet you too, Wang Li Tian."

"Well, now that you know who he is, can I get back to speaking with my little brother?" Jiang Rou Xuan asked for permission.

"Ughh.. Go for it then."

"Hehe," Jiang Rou Xuan went back to talking with Wang Li Tian. The two converse along the way to the World Artefact.

There would often be people that try to guess the pair's relationship, but all of them knew nothing about it. Even the hideous looking disciple, Tie Gang was dumbfounded at what was happening.

"Damn it! If I was quicker by a step, I would've been able to talk to Jiang Rou Xuan." The ugly disciple was still assuming that the smile from a few days ago was directed at him. Now, his anger towards Wang Li Tian was even stronger.

"I will make sure that you are the first person I get out in the second round." He grinned his teeth, which made him look more displeasing.

Tens of meters away from the couple, Jiang Rou Lang was talking to his Elder brother about the same situation at the back.

"Big brother, do you remember the weak kid that used to hang around little sister Rou Xuan?" Jiang Rou Lang asked.

"No, not really." Jiang Rou Meng had a tranquil look on his face. He didn't have any worries on his face. After all, he was deemed as the number one sword genius the academy had seen in several centuries. "I do not remember anyone that is weak."

"Well, the kid's name is Wang Li Tian and back then, during our selection test, he got first place and he started to get close with Rou Xuan again."

"Oh? A child from the Wang family?" There was a sliver of a smile that appeared on Jiang Rou Meng's face, "Now, I do recall little sister Rou Xuan having a play thing when she was young. He managed to actually get first place?"

"Yes.." Jiang Rou Lang was very respectful when it came to his big brother. He knew that there would never be a time in his life where he would be able to contest against him. Even the Head of the Family decided to invest all their time and wealth into Jiang Rou Meng. They wanted him to succeed the family as the next Head. Jiang Rou Xuan, on the other hand, had the most terrifying latent talent, leaving Jiang Rou Lang as the useless middle child. It was all very sad.

"I shall see his strength over the course of the competition. By then, I would know whether he is worth my time." Unlike Jiang Rou Lang, he bared no enmity for the Artificing disciple. All he wanted was strong opponents so as to challenge himself.

Jiang Rou Lang knew that he could not count on his big brother to seek revenge, for all the embarrassment he had received during the selection test. The only thing he could do now was hold in his anger and wait for an opportune moment to strike.