Well that went well


At first, I couldn't figure out where the screaming came from. I turned around and barely noticed a foot disappearing down an ally. I didn't really think before darting toward the person screaming. I never was one to think things through.

I rounded the corner just as a man pushed an old lady to the ground. He had a purse in one hand and a knife in his other. "Don't even think of screaming again or this is going in your gut old hag."

The old lady was crying as she held her ankle but didn't scream again.

Whoever the man was he definitely looked like the kind of guy who would hurt a granny. He was on the heavy side and with a brown worn-out jacket and jeans. He was bald and had a face only a mother could love. On top of it all, he smelled of beer and piss. When was the last time he showered?

I put my finger to my mouth and inches slowly down the alley. The old lady saw me before she could say anything I tapped my lips. The guy was too busy going through the lady's purse to notice me.

"There's nothing worth anything in here!" He yelled as he threw the purse at the old lady who yelped as it almost hit her. "I can't even buy a good drink with two dollars".

He was about to turn around but lucky for me I was close enough to hit him with my bookbag.

When the bag hit his head with a loud crack he just fell over. I thought he stumbled or something but nope he just fell over unconscious.

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," I said as I went to help the old lady up "Are you okay?"

The lady smiled "What do you have in that thing."

I opened my bag to reveal two now broken flower vases I had made in art class. They had been sitting in my locker but with the last day and all, I had to bring them home. "Well they were vases but I guess now they're more like trash." I laughed. At least now I would not have to find a place for them.

The old lady just shook her head with a smile. "I am sorry you broke them on my account".

"It's fine there, just items after all." I looked at the guy laying on the ground "So, what do you think we should do with him?"

"I think we should just leave him." The lady picked up her purse and started to ruffle through it. She pulled out a small stone half the size of one's palm. It's light green color caught my eye as she walked toward me, stopping for a second to kick the drunk in the head. I almost let myself laugh at the look of satisfaction on her face from that but managed to hold it in.

She held out the green tone to me."Take this as my thank you for saving me." I almost didn't take it but something in her eyes told me I couldn't refuse.

I took the stone and was about to thank her when there was a flash of light. The last thing I heard was her laughing "Have a nice trip my dear and I hope you find what you need."

Trip, need, what in the world is the old bat talking about?