Surprise Visitors

We could finally see our hut just up the dirt path and I was ready for a hot meal by the fire. I needed something other than the goop Vince called soup and had insisted I eat. The stuff was no better than the medicine he had made me take each morning. What I want is meat slow-cooked over the fire. My mouth watered at the very thought. As we got closer we could see two arguing figures standing at the door.

"What are Julia and Markus doing here?" Orpheus stepped ahead of me while Ranald pulled me back. "What the hell guys?" I tried to get out of Ranalds hold but the more I struggled the tighter he squeezed.

"Amber hold still. Something's not right." Ranald growled, "Can't you smell it." I stopped and sniffed the air only to wish I hadn't. The smell coming from our place was putrid, to say the least. It smelled worse than Vince's medicine. Julia and Markus finally noticed they were no longer alone. Julia steps forward only for Markus to pull her behind him at Orpheus's deep growl.

"We only got here a few minutes ago. We didn't do this." Markus pointed toward our hut.

Though Orpheus and Ranald didn't let their guard down I felt Markus wasn't lying to us. I don't know what the 'this' he was talking about but why would he or Julia have any reason to mess up our home. "Ranald let me go. I want to see what's happened and I truly believe these two would not harm us. What reason would they have?"

Ranald studied my stubborn face before releasing me with a long sigh. "Fine, but only because I can't think of a reason they would either." He stepped forward and put a hand on Orpheus's shoulder. "Calm down, our girls got a point. Julia and Markus are not the types to start fights, more like the ones to stop them."

Orpheus gave one last growl as he shook off Ranald's hand. "Then who did?" The anger on his face made me flinch. What was it that could make him that mad? I walked past everyone and straight inside. I gasped at the baby animal carcasses at my feet by the fire. I gagged running out and to a nearby tree. Julia held my hair back as I lost what little I ate for breakfast.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as the boys went into the hut. Once inside I could hear the anger in both their voices as they argued. I could hear a lick of what they are actually saying but I had a feeling it was about how this happened.

It took me a few to stand up and get a hold of myself. "Julia, did you see anyone at all when you got here?" I stood up straight and whipped at my mouth with my arm. I would worry about cleaning up later.

Julia shook her head "Markus and I had been coming to see if you were home yet when the smell hit us. Markus rushed to see what happened and then called me over. I wanted to clean it up before you got home. Markus said we needed to tell Orpheus before we did anything." She rubbed her arm and looked away, "That when you guys showed up."

I took her hand "Thanks for coming to check up on me." I winked "And don't worry couples always tend to fight from time to time."

Julia looked at me and blinked several times before giggling. "You sure are a strange one. Most people would look down on a female who can't get a male to do as she wants." She shook her head "Though I guess most females wouldn't pardon a male for attacking her either."

It was my turn to shrug "I couldn't let him die when he was under Stef's control and had no choice either. I think it's better to fight things out instead of one person controlling the other. Free will is a good thing."

Julia nodded with a big grin. "I think I like you more every time."

"Me too." We both laughed. I sighed as the boys got lauder and I heard a crash. "I think we need to go in there before they tear the place apart."

Julia looked worried "Are you sure you're up for that."

I really didn't want to but couldn't just ignore it either "I think I already lost all my stomach contents. Better to get in there and get it cleaned up than to let it sit and get worse. Come one." I took her hand and pulled her toward the hut. I barely dodged a plate that flew at my head as I entered the hut. The boys didn't even notice until I cleared my throat. "So do you guys think fighting will solve the issue at hand." Silence fell as I picked up the still intact plate. At least wood doesn't shatter as easily as glass, I thought to myself.

Orpheus walked over to me slowly and unsure. "I didn't see you there I... " He stopped short as he looked into my eyes before he quickly looked away. "Please don't be mad."

I know well I have a temper but he thought I was mad at the plate but I was more upset at the state of our home. The floor was now covered in more than carcasses. Now everything in the room was scattered around covered in dirt and worse. A growl escaped me "Now there is more to clean up than before." I took a breath trying to calm myself. I looked at Orpheus and Ranald in turn "I knew you both are upset but this is not helping.��� I started to collect the scattered plates that I rather throw out than ever use again. "Instead of fighting let all just take a breath and clean this place up. I for one would like to be able to sleep in my own bed tonight and that's not going to happen until this mess is gone." Ranald didn't hesitate to start cleaning. Orpheus just stood frozen with his mouth hanging open. I put the plate to the side and crossed my arms over my chest "Are you going to just stand their gapping like a fish or clean up your mess?" Everyone laughed, even Markus as Orpheus rushed to help.

It took hours to get the hut cleaned and the stench out. I don't think we would have got it done so fast without Julia's and Markus's help. My Dad had scared me halfway through when he popped up out of nowhere. He had been near Ayame's house fishing and was kind of upset to find out no one bothered to tell him I had recovered. He was more upset about someone defiling the house of his daughter now though. Apparently baby animal carcasses put in one's home are a curse on future offspring. The question of who did it was still a mystery. The only person I had made angry was Stef and she was gone. The question bothered me but right now a clean home was what I wanted most.

We all now sat around the firepit we set up not far from the hut. Dad had gone hunting with Markus and brought back two boars and a deer that smelled divine on the fire. I was glad to find a friend in Julia today. She was a sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders. I looked around me at all the happy faces and my heart filled with warmth. It feels like my family here just keeps growing. I don't think life can get better than this.