First Hunt

Ranald and I headed into the forest behind the hut as he held my hand. "I think we should head towards the north clearing. That place would make it great for hunting together." He smiled as he glanced over his shoulder at me "How about this, I will go to the edge of the clearing and lie low while you will be at the other side a distance in. What I want you to do when ready is give a large roar scaring the prey in my direction. Then once they get to the clearing we take a few out."

I nodded not seeing a problem with the plan. It was simple yet sounded effective. "Any suggestions on what best to grab? Like is dear better or boar?"

Ranald laughed "Both are great but it's best to grab whatever seems easier at the moment. If the prey is farther than another from you make sure to let it go. You have a better chance of catching the closer prey." He stopped suddenly and I bumped into his back. He turned to me, all joking gone from his face. "And make sure it's prey and not shifter before you chomp down."

I looked at Ranald in shock that I had not even thought about how a shifter may blend in with the prey. "How do I tell them apart? The last thing I want is to hurt another shifter."

Ranald bopped me on the nose. "We smell different. Pry smells musky and of the woods while shifters smell like many other things." He leaned forward taking a deep breath with eyes closed. He opened them, staring at me with lust in his eyes. "For example, you smell of wildflower fields in spring." Leaning in he gave me a kiss while wrapping his arms around me. The world dropped away for a few seconds before he pulled away. It would have been ready for more but my stomach chooses to growl in protest. As I blushed, Ranald laughed "Well I love to have another round with you but it seems your stomach would prefer we get to hunting." He grabbed my hand again as we made our way to the north clearing.


I got into position as I squeezed between the trees. I raised my head above the trees and took a deep breath before letting out the loudest roar I could muster. I watched as birds shot to the sky. Once they were out of the way I took to the sky darting for the clearing as prey of all forms rushed through the woods below to get away from me. Once at the edge of the clearing I darted down snatching a deer in my left claws and a bear in my right. The bear roared and tried to bite me before I sunk a claw in its throat to quiet it. I hesitated on the dear noticing that its scent was a bit off. It was woodsy but also like peeled oranges. I landed carefully in an attempt not to harm the trembling creature.

Ranald came bounding over from the boar and rabbit he had caught. He tilted his head at me unsure why I still had the dear in my left alive. I flare my nostril trying to get him to smell her. More confusion mixed in his eyes as he moved closer. He opened his jaws by the deer's neck. In shock, I jumped back letting out a loud "NO!".

We both stood shocked at my sudden outburst. I just talked in dragon form. WTF! As I freaked out that little voice started to laugh. "I felt you panicking but didn't know it was over something so small. Do I have to remind you that the shifter normal doesn't apply to you? Dragons are a breed of their own and can do so much that the rest can not. Speaking in dragon form is just one of those many perks."

My dragon's voice calmed me but also frustrated me a little. "Well that would have been nice to know. Any other things I should know?" She didn't answer, just chuckled as she disappeared to where you stayed touched away normally. Great so I have more surprises to look forward to. Well, talking was going to make this easier, at least I hope so.

I leaned toward the dear and smelled it again to confirm again that her scent was off. "You smell of Oranges. Are you a shifter?" The little deer shook her head slowly yes with fear in her watery eyes. I let her go while shifting back to my human shape. "I am sorry for grabbing you. All I could smell off you at first was woods." I gave her my best apologetic smile as I held out my hand. "My name is Amber." Her eyes glanced at leopard Ranald. "Don't worry he won't harm you. He is my mate, Ranald." Ranald walked over to my side and nuzzled my hand as if saying yes I am hers. Reaching up I scratched him behind the ear loving the soft feel of it. He purred as I turned back to the deer. "See perfectly safe."

The deer looked still a bit unsure but she nodded before shifting. She was gorgeous with long wavy hair down to her hip. Her skin shined like marble. If her stunning almost black eyes had not been moving between us I would have thought her a life-size porcelain doll. "I have never seen a dragon in these parts before. Who are you?" Her voice is strong and unwavering so unlike her fragile-looking appearance or the deer she was before.