Chapter 114

Above the surface of the endless blue ocean, a huge black wyvern flew in a high speed, leaving the passing waves in dismay.

" Lennox, brother Ba is calling again "

Everly said, looking at the person behind the fluttering drapery. Lennox, who by unknown means managed to tie an entire cabinet on the wyvern's back, lazily waved his hand.

" Just ignore it, either way, they are going to nag us to death, may as well delay it until we return "

Everly looked back into the horizon. They have been travelling for about five days already, occasionally stopping by random islands to rest, and today they will finally reach YinYan continent. Usually, it takes a month and half to travel between the two continents, however, wyverns are known as the servants of dragons, naturally, they have the qualifications to deserve such a title.