6 kiss

People always give one another fake hope , fake love and showing being fake towards them .They are just fake people all together well you won't find any honestly good and true people if you look for them really.

As the saying goes "when you look for something you wont find it but as soon as you give up it shows up out of nowhere".

Isaac Williams who are you?.

Why do you live?

Who do you live for ?

whats next?

What have you done ?

All these questions pop up in my head and as i wake from my nightmare and she was there i didn't know what to think anymore .

Alexandra:(worried) Hey why are you crying ?!.

Me:(wipes the tears from his eyes)Its nothing just a nightmare.

Alexandra: I see it you know .

Me: Wh..what do you mean?.

Alexandra: You feel guilty .

Me: Of course i do.

Alexandra: Please don't !.

Me:Why not ,what i did was wrong !.

Alexandra: Yes it was but at least i had sex with someone i love and know !. So i'm happy that it was you you idiot(starts crying) it was special to me okay !!.

Me:(shocked) I didn't know how you feel , i'm sorry for what i did .

Alexandra:(crying)Hey Cupid you truly are Dark , go home and rest okay ill see you tomorrow !.

Me:(confused) Are you talking about me ?.

Alexandra: yes you idiot , you gave me love , so you are my ''Dark Cupid''

(She then gets up and leaves before i could even say another word)

Lately its been hard to even think straight and then she comes and makes it worse , i understand its my fault . I'm her ''Dark Cupid'' , what does that even mean , I don't know and its gonna kill me to think bout one more thing.

i stand up and walk to the door and all of a sudden my legs cave in and i end up on the floor.

She runs over to , I honestly didn't expect to see her .

The person i love she's really something else acts like a total ice Queen but to me she's just a softy.

I fell in love with her from the moment we met .

Shes only in 10th grade and i'm in 11th grade but where ever we go we always find each other.

The girl i love ,her name is Emily Higgins.

Emily:(runs over to me to help) Hey Grizz are you okay(worried)?!.

Me: I'm fine Ice , my legs just went numb i guess that's what happens when you sleep with your legs crossed on a chair.

Emily:Why would you even sleep with your legs crossed on a chair you idiot !?.(starts punching me on the shoulder)

me:(laughing)Hey,hey,hey come on help me up already .

Emily:(helps me up) Grizz don't do stupid stuff like that if your legs get cut off im not going to carry you around like a human backpack okay!.

me:Damn what are you Dora , Hey wait why would my legs be cut off and i would get a wheel chair anyways.

Emily:(smiling) Stupid your more like boots for real (starts laughing).

me:Boot is cool tho (laughs) And hey ill understand if you just wanna be closer to me .

Emily:(shocked and flustered)Wha...What you idiot , (face goes red) lets just go home please!.

me: Who's house mine or your's ?.

Emily:(flustered)lets just go ...

me:(puts my hand on her head) okay

She looks at me with her blue icy eyes and it send shivers down my spin it gives me goosebumps.

I drop Emily at her house then head home i get home and undress and hit the books as any normal high school student is obligated to do.

And just like that i stopped going to school.

And then i get a knock on my door and i walk to the door.

Jason: Yo is Isaac here !!?.

(I open the Door and see a guy standing at my door)

Jason: hey Alexandra said I should come see if you're alright cuz you didn't come to school in 2 weeks

me: who the hell are you her boyfriend...?.

(As i was asking a question he punches me out of nowhere and i fall to the floor)

Jason:The fuck is wrong with you man? , where do you come up with all that shit...

me:(sitting on the floor holding my bloody nose) My bad man I'm just not in the mood for people if you get what i mean!!.

I must look pretty pathetic to him right about now , and i made her worry about me again i know she wont let me slide very easily , Ice bear is going to kill me for real.

Jason : dude my bad for hitting ya my name's Jason white, but don't go breaking hearts man that shits hard enough to keep safe. (he then starts walking away)

Isaac : (stands up off the floor)Yo!!!, wanna come in and talk and chill?.

Me :(turns around)sure why not?