Chapter 16:New Function In The System

"Building system?"

"The World map?"

Xiao Yang was slightly surprised.

This upgrade of the system turned on two functions at once?

There is some secret happiness in his heart, and the increased functions of the system mean that he will become more powerful and his development potential will be higher.

"It seems that this system is more complicated than I thought!"

Xiao Yang secretly thought, and directly entered the building system.

[Territory: The Town of Xiao]

[Lord: Xiao Yang]

[Territory rank: no entry]

[Building drawings available:]

[1. Cultivation mansion (level 1): A place where leaders can rest and practice, which can increase the martial arts cultivation efficiency by 20%, spiritual transformation rate by 20%, and increase the chance of breakthrough by 1%. Each room has a maximum capacity of 5 people. Resources required: 25 cubic meters of wood, 25 manpower. | Drawing Price: 5 Xuan-level Spirit Stone]

[2. Refining Hall (level 1): A place to make spiritual weapons and learn forging spiritual equipment. The equipment and the forged magical skills for learning are related to the level of refining temple. (The first-level refining hall can create spiritual weapons below the fifth-grade level). Resources are required: 100 cubic meters of wood and 50 manpower. | Drawing Price: 10 Xuan-level Spirit Stones]

[3. Lingzhen Pavilion (Level 1): A place to practice and research Lingzhen. The ranks of Lingzhen that can be practiced are related to the ranks of Lingzhen Pavilion. (The first-level spirit array pavilion can practice the formation method below the mysterious level) Resources required: 100 cubic meters of wood, 50 Xuan-level Spirit Stones | The price of drawing picture: 10 Xuan-level spirit stones]

"Cultivation mansion?"

After seeing these four parts, Xiao Yang's eyes lighted up suddenly.

The Xiao didn't know what this mansion meant, but he couldn't help but know!

This cultivation mansion is not only as simple as improving the cultivation efficiency, but the most coveted is that it can increase the chance of breakthrough!

The world of spiritual power, there are countless warriors, will be stuck in the shackles of a realm, and cannot be promoted for a lifetime.

Like Xiao Liang, like Xiao Sheng. In their lifetime, they can only be a Qifu warrior, and they want to upgrade to another level, they can't.

In the mansion of cultivation, the internal environment is to allow them to realize themselves, and under certain catalysis, they can successfully break through!

"This kind of mansion that can increase the chance of breakthrough ... at least it is a building that only the top copper-level forces can have!"

Xiao Yang was very excited. This cultivating mansion, even if it was the The Sect of Sun Fire, a copper-level force of the previous life,also don't have.

It's not because The Sect of Sun Fire is not worthy of owning a mansion of cultivation. As the top cooper-level power, the The Sect of Sun Fire certainly has the resources and qualifications to build a mansion of cultivation!

But ...

There are no drawings to build the mansion of cultivation!

Even if he had purchased 10,000 pieces of Di-level spirit stones on the mainland at that time, he could not buy one.

  (The level of the spirit things is:Fan,Xuan,Di,Tian…)

Where did you think?

In this system, the price of the drawing of the mansion was actually only selling five Xuan-level spirit stones!

"Unfortunately! The Sect of Sun Fire and the Xiao are not on the same continent." Xiao Yang shook his head.

Otherwise, he really has an idea of ​​running to The Sect of Sun Fire with drawings!

"Refining Hall ... Lingzhen Pavilion ..." Xiao Yang's heart was once again full of shock waves.

These buildings are all in the hands of a few high-level forces!

Like the copper-level force, The Sect of Sun Fire at that time, there was only a refining hall similar to the first-class, which could only make ordinary Xuan-level spiritual weapons.

As for the Spirit Array, it can only be purchased and configured in a special Spirit Array.

Spirit Array is very precious to every force! The Spirit Array Master is a rare and precious talent in the entire spiritual world!

The guardian spirit array is set up in every large sect sect, and every guardian spirit array needs a spirit array master to maintain it.

A powerful spirit array division, with a guardian spirit array, can withstand thousands of troops, which is a dilemma!

"These three architectural drawings, no matter where they are, are rare treasures!" Xiao Yang secretly sighed, and he made up his mind.

The Xiao's development speed will be faster!

Of course, what hinders development has never been hard work, but resources!

Looking at the three drawings in front of him, Xiao Yang couldn't help but feel helpless.

The drawings are indeed good, but ...

Is really no money!

Xiao Yang This is the first time feel that when he is a lord of power, he cannot develop and cultivate because of money!

Know that when he was in The Sect of Sun Fire, he had enough money to wipe his butt, and there was almost no scarcity.

"But ..." Similarly, Xiao Yang considered another thing.

These three drawings are all precious and scarce things, but they are not available to the current the Xiao. If it is known by intentional people or other forces, he is afraid that there will be more bloody storms.

"The refining hall is good to say that even the black iron level forces have a small refining place. But this is the mansion house and the Lingzhen Pavilion ..."

Xiao Yang shook his head.

"In the future, if the mansion of the cultivation house and the Lingzhen Pavilion are really built. It must be temporarily concealed, and only a few people know ..."

"As for the wood and manpower ..." Xiao Yang inevitably paid more attention to these two new settings.

But now, the drawings have not been bought, and there is no building at all, so Xiao Yang has no way to understand the purpose of these two settings.

Xiao Yang thought about it and turned his attention to the other two system update projects.

These two system updates, one is the task update, the other is a somewhat inexplicable world map.

Out of curiosity about the world map, Xiao Yang temporarily put aside the task update, but entered the world map.

So far, there are three more branches in this lord system.

The first branch is the Tactics Mall first opened!

Tactics in Tactics Mall is cheap, but for Xiao Yang, it is not useful for the time being.

The second branch is the 'building system just now.

The drawings sold in the building system really made Xiao Yang salivate. However, however ... money has become the biggest obstacle to buying drawings.

And the third branch is this world map!

This section is the broadest in the entire main system panel.

Xiao Yang can probably feel that in this section, there are countless small pieces embedded in it.

Xiao Yang has the idea that these countless tiny pieces should be all the continents in this world!

But this idea, Xiao Yang is still unable to verify. After all, at present, the entire section is bleak, and there is only a tiny place on the entire world map, emitting a weak light.

Xiao Yang closed his eyes, and all his spirits were concentrated on this layout.

On the layout, the only small piece that emits light shows a shape of an inverted triangle, hanging upside down on the remote southeast end of the entire layout. It is too far away from the center of the layout.