Chapter 26: QiFu!

"Women's opinion!" Feng Long shouted.

"Small spirit tools, spirit stones, will I go back?"

"Dare you scold me?" Yang Jin was a little angry.

Feng Long waved his hand.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you nonsense! Since your father is back, I don't ask if it is."

"Today, Feng Gui and Feng Qian were assassinated in Ice Frame Town. I am going to Xiao Town, and I must also count this account!"

"In this land, someone dares to kill me!"

Yang Jin couldn't hear the threat from Feng Long's side. She was full of words that Feng Long had just scolded.

"Feng Long, you heard me clearly! The achievements you have made today are not only from you, but also from us!"

Finished, Yang Jin snorted coldly, turned and walked out of the private room of the tea house.

"If it were not for the Yang's resources, I would marry you shrew?" Feng Long sighed, spitting at the gate with a disgusted face.

Saw Yang Jin leave, and Feng Long did not let her back.

Just gone!


Every day whispering in the ear.

Feng Long, although disdainful, was too lazy to get acquainted with this shrew. But every day, like a horn buzzing in the ear, Feng Long is annoying too much!

"Now, who dares to kill me?" Feng Long ignored Yang Jin's departure, but was deeply lost in contemplation.

In the large town of Ice Frame, people from the Feng, Xiao, Yang, and Bai families were allowed to pass through.

"Two corpses, one was pierced by a finger into the heart, and the other was burned by fire spirit ..."

"This kind of murder is impossible for the Yang family and the Xiao ... and it's unlikely."

"Can it be the Bai?"

Feng Long was a little puzzled. The Bai does have the spiritual power of the Qifu warriors major in fire, but the Feng and the Bai do not have any differences in interests. Why did the Bai send people to kill the children of the Feng?

Feng Long can't figure it out.

As for the Xiao, I do not know whether it was self-confidence or out of contempt for the Xiao, and they were ruled out at once.

"No ..." Feng Long suddenly realized that although Ice Frame Town allowed people from four families to travel in this town, the true owner of this town was Ice Frame Pavilion!

Moreover, who is the most group in Ice Frame Town?

Is of course Ice Framege's own person!

Many disciples in Ice Frame Pavilion, including some little servants outside, will walk between Ice Frame Pavilion and Ice Frame Town.

The Ice Flame Pavilion also has the magical power of fire, and the ability to kill easily!

Feng Long suspected more than one object, and this involved the black iron level force Ice Flame Pavilion, Feng Long had to put this matter down temporarily.

"Let's deal with the Xiao afterwards."

As soon as he thought of Feng Tang and Feng Ying, he still didn't know what the situation was, and Feng Long began to get a little irritable again.

He wished to kill me now to see what happened, but the other warriors of the Feng still needed to rest. No matter how powerful he is, there is no idea of ​​going to Xiao Town alone.

Since ancient times, countless strong men have lost their lives because of their arrogance, he does not want to follow the footsteps of those warriors.


Outside the tea house, on the corner of the deep alley, Xiao Yang's government building project continues. However, with the gradual improvement of Qifu, the exposed crimson spiritual power is also less and less.

Was originally full of fiery red light, but now, it is converging to Xiao Yang's surroundings, which also greatly reduces the movement created by the overflow of spiritual power.

[Name]: Xiao Yang

[Identity]: The lord of the Xiao

[Occupation]: None

[Prestige]: 1

[Spirit level]: Early period of Qifu (0/100)

[Ling Jue]: Flame Yang Jue (ground level exercises)

"Hoo ..." Xiao Yang spit out a bit of turbid gas remaining on his body, feeling that his whole body was full of energy!

"Previously, when I reached the broken state, I had no turmoil. I never thought that when I stepped into this small Qifu realm, I felt some throbbing in my heart." Xiao Yang's eyes flashed inexplicably, and he couldn't help feeling.

After he was promoted to Qifu, Xiao Yang did not get up immediately, but continued to operate the spiritual power in his body to stabilize his own state.

Has just advanced, the spiritual energy house in the body is not yet perfect, and Xiao Yang wants to use the spare power of the building house to completely stabilize this state!

At the same time, the cultivation of exercises is also being carried out in the process of consolidating the realm.


In the middle of the night.

The lights of the town gradually extinguished, and the town of Ice Frame was in a darkness, sleeping deeply.

Xiao Yang stood up from the night, moved his muscles, and his heart was surging.

"Previously, I just wanted to knock on the side in exchange for a short development time."

"But it seems that there are more radical, but more effective ways!"

Before Xiao Yang came out of the frost forest, he never thought that he would solve the current dilemma in this way.

Xiao Yang lifted his leg, kicked, jumped, turned around, and jumped into the air.

Afterwards, Xiao Yang held the eaves in both hands to support the body, one rolled and jumped onto the window awning.

Following the window awning, Xiao Yang walked slowly along the way. Soon, he felt the Ice Frame Tea House.

Originally, the plan was set to kill several juniors who sent the Xiao's family to watch. And now, the time is still this time, the place is also this place, but the target of the attack has been replaced by a super brother!

All this is planned by Xiao Yang in advance.

Came to Ice Frame Tea house yesterday, precisely for the layout and topography of the entire tea house, and for the convenience of night activities.

Originally, Xiao Yang thought that the action at night was no longer needed, but now it seems that the exploration in Ice Frame Tea House yesterday has finally achieved results.

Following the window, Xiao Yang slowly opened the windows of the Ice Frame Tea House Pavilion. While silent, Xiao Yang overcame in midair and entered the tea house.

The second floor of the tea house at this time was completely dead.

Every room is dim and dull. Presumably, all the Feng's warriors chose to fall asleep while working hard for a day.

Xiao Yang was also very tired!

But after being promoted, Xiao Yang became more powerful and spirited. His body was filled with surging spiritual power, almost ready to come out.

Xiao Yang crept to the door of each booth, looking towards the door. He was also not sure where Feng Long was in the room.

"and many more..."

"These warriors live in private rooms, why don't I kill all of them?"

Xiao Yang is not a murderous person, but when faced with the life and death crisis of his family, he will not be soft.

And after Xiao Yang was promoted to the early stage of Qifu, he did have such strength to assassinate any warriors among Feng.

Including Feng Long!