Chapter 29: The Big Bang

  "Bang!" Xiao Yang drank again, and at the same time, the fiery sword in his hand was also thrown out straight!


The violent light suddenly scatters from the flame sun pearl.

The whole pearl bursts instantly!

This explosion awakened all the dream warriors!

A blaze was burning in the Ice Flame Tea House.

Feng warriors got up one after another, rushed out of the room with amazement and anxious sleeping eyes. The scene in front of them made them completely stunned.

"It's on fire!" A cry from someone who didn't know who broke the silence on the second floor of the tea house.

At the same time, everyone was awake.

"Quick! Fire fighting! It's the lord's room!"

Everyone's complexion changed a lot. At this moment, it was a bit confusing. They didn't know what to do.

"Feng Yu! Find water!"

At this moment, a man calmed down and stepped forward to direct the current situation.

And in front of him, a wave of heat hit the face. The door of the room in front of me was crumbling under the flame.

The man stretched out his hand, and the spirit of a water element spewed out, like a high-pressure water gun, chanting on the flame.

This is indeed useful!

The spiritual power of the water element brings a trace of coolness to the people.

This is the only Qifu warrior in the Feng who has practiced the spirit of the water element!

Feng Miao!

Although no one knows where Feng Miao's water elemental spirit comes from, for now, Feng Miao is the only person who can solve the crisis here!

The minds of the Feng warriors thought more about why the room where the owner rested suddenly caught fire, and ...

What about the head of the house? ?

Everyone remembered this matter subconsciously during the fire fighting!

What about Feng Longren?

Why didn't he appear?

This made many martial artists present in the heart sink.

They didn't believe that Feng Long was still able to sleep comfortably in the raging fire.

"Uncle Miao, no good!"

At this moment, a younger warrior ran up from the first floor, breathless and sweating. He didn't know if his sweat was hot, or because he was scared out.

"What's going on?" Feng Long was away, and Feng Miao temporarily took over the overall situation of the Feng.

"Ahh! the second floor has collapsed! There are already wooden boards hitting the first floor!" The little brother said urgently.

"Collapse?" Feng Miao's heart sank again, but here, he could not leave.

Under the urge of Feng Miaoshui's spiritual power, he managed to control the spread of the flame in that room. If he walked downstairs to investigate the situation, it would be easy for the flames to reopen the territory and spread the ground.

Feng Miao looked around, there were no more people on the second floor. Most people were taken by Feng Yu to pick up water to fight the fire. The rest, three or two big cats and kittens, are all the little brothers of the Feng, it is difficult to be a side.

" water is coming!" Feng Yu carried a large basin of water, followed by several large basins, and rushed over the end of the second floor.

"Only fortunately, the tea house has a lot of water storage!" Feng Yu poured a pot of water down the half-open door frame.

"Feng Yu, brought someone here to fight the fire, I will go down to see the situation!"

Feng Miao finished, not waiting for Feng Yu's response, he hurried down the stairs, looking for the position just mentioned by the younger brother.

But when he just came downstairs, he realized that this location ...

It is no longer necessary to find.

The first floor of the tea house is also a mess, with an area on one side that has collapsed. A lot of tables and chairs were crushed. Not to mention, in this ruin, there was even a little light.

Feng Miao's face was ugly and he moved forward quickly, urging the water's spiritual power in his body to kill the surrounding fire.

"Someone?" Feng Miao was found in the ruins, a figure twitched slightly in it.

Convulsed at the same time, the blood stained the sky.

Under the firelight, the light reflected by the blood looks extraordinarily charming.

Feng Miao dare to hesitate where else, he has judged this person's identity from his body shape!

"Bro.!" Feng Miao rushed over the ruins and washed away the flame beside Feng Long.

Feng Miao came to Feng Long before he recognized Feng Long's face.

That really can only be called a "silhouette". Feng Long's entire face has been burnt into black charcoal, and his whole body is also burnt black.


Outside the town of Ice Frame, a black figure in a shadow flew between the jungle. The direction of the target was the Town of Xiao!

Lieyang Sword has been reinserted by Xiao Yang back into his waist, but the flaming Yangzhu has remained in Ice Frame Teahouse forever.

"The explosion of Xuanhuolei's one-time spirit weapon gave me some inspiration." Xiao Yang ran, recalling the battle just now, and summarizing the whole process.

"One-time spirits can be blasted, and ordinary spirits can also do this, but they require special attributes to urge them."

"And for now, maybe the blasting of ordinary spiritual weapons is more powerful!"

This is also normal.

Disposable spiritual instruments are disposable items, which are naturally cheap in terms of cost, and only need the most common spiritual power to urge them. It can be said that even the early martial arts stepper who has just stepped into the spiritual world can use the mysterious fire thunder.

Is different from ordinary spiritual tools. On the one hand, ordinary spiritual tools are originally used, and the materials consumed will not be low. Moreover, if you want to be able to urge certain spiritual weapons completely, you must have matching spiritual attributes, which is a big limitation for most warriors.

Xiao Yang used the fire attribute spirit tactics, which is why he picked two fire attribute spirit implements among the many rewarded spirit implements.

"With the explosive power of Huoyangzhu, I am afraid that it is not possible to directly take away a martial arts man in the later period of the Qifu." Xiao Yang groaned, recalling the aftermath of the explosion from the teahouse when he just withdrew from the window.

Explosive power is indeed not small!

If you want to really kill a martial artist in the late period of the Qifu, it is a bit difficult.

Fortunately, due to Feng Long 's distraction and the fact that he had been blocking Xiao Yang 's attack, he did not subconsciously defend this explosion. Otherwise, the impact of the explosion will probably be reduced.

"This time, even if Feng Long is not dead, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured and temporarily lose his combat ability!"

Xiao Yang has a very bold idea in his heart.

Directly rushed back to Ice Frame Tea House and killed Feng Long on the spot!

Even if Xiao Yang did this, the warriors of the Feng could never stop him!

But after thinking about it, Xiao Yang finally gave up such a crazy move.

Is not to say that it cannot be done, but to say that the cost and consequences after doing it are too great!

It was one thing to just attack Feng Long, and it was another thing to kill people in public.

Ice Frame Town is strictly forbidden to fight by all forces. If Xiao Yang returns to make up for the knife, it will lead to the exposure of his identity. This consequence is unwilling and unbearable for Xiao Yang!

This sword, Xiao Yang does not make up, it does not matter.

Xiao Yang didn't believe it. This Feng Long was seriously injured and could lead people to the Town of Xiao.