Chapter 35: First Entry To The Mansion

"In such a room, there will be the effect of improving the speed of cultivation?" Xiao Yang groaned, a little unbelievable.

It is obvious that the house looks unremarkable.

Even speaking, even the most ordinary poor in the world would choose such a room to live in.

At this time, Xiao Liding got up and explained to Xiao Yang:

"Lord, after we built the periphery of the wooden house, this thing appeared in the center of this room."

Xiao Liding pointed to the bowl, and he continued helplessly:

"In addition, we want to decorate other objects in this room, too."

"But ... Lord, after this house is built, do you plan to use it for?"

Although Xiao Liding took a group of carpenters to complete the construction of the wooden house, they really didn't understand it. Xiao Yang rushed them back from hill in a hurry, in order to repair such a humble house, what role did it have.

Speaking of houses, the Xiao is not lacking now. So far, many courtyards in Town are still empty.

Of course, this is also impossible. As soon as Xiao Yan, the Qifu warrior, died, the entire Xiao suddenly lost half of its population. However, Xiao Liding didn't understand that there are so many empty houses in the Xiao , why should he build it?

"All right. This time, you have done a good job." Xiao Yang turned around and affirmed,but he didn't answer Liding's question.

"However, your task has not been completed. There is enough space in this area, I hope to build another houses such like this"

"Built another one?" Although he didn't know the purpose of this wooden house, since the owner had spoken, Xiao Liding could not refuse.

"After the wooden house is built tomorrow, you can go to the warehouse to Xiaosheng to get three spirit stones."


"as long as they can set foot on martial arts, they can receive two spirit stones every week. As for the remaining one, I reward you."

After, many buildings in Town will inevitably use these carpentry places. Therefore, in the early stage, Xiao Yang did not care about investing more spirit stones, giving these woodworkers to help them improve their strength.

"Thank you, Master, let's go to work now!" Xiao Liding's face was filled with gratitude. Xiao Yang originally asked them to work tomorrow, but with the encouragement of spirit stone, Xiao Liding decided to invest in the beautiful construction cause now.

"This Xiao Liding, it is the way." Xiao Yang smiled and looked back at the cultivation mansion.

"This bowl ..." Xiao Yang's eyes fixed on the center of the mansion.

For the purpose of this bowl, Xiao Yang soon had a guess.

"This bowl should be get the spirit stone, and use the spirit stone to increase the concentration of spiritual power in the mansion to increase the speed of cultivation!"

Xiao Yang put a mortal spirit stone into it, and the surface of the bowl changed instantly!

A pebble-sized spirit stone shrank at a rate visible to the naked eye in this bowl, and within a few breaths, it melted into the air.

Xiao Yang did not hesitate, immediately sat cross-legged on the floor and entered a state of cultivation.

Xiao Yang clearly felt that the spiritual power in the surrounding air suddenly became thicker. In addition, the frequency of spiritual transformation in Xiao Yang's body has also become more rapid.

"Sure enough!" Xiao Yang suddenly understood.

The architectural structure of this practice mansion is to prevent the catalyzed spiritual power from escaping, and the bowl in the middle of this mansion is the most important composition of the whole mansion!

Xiao Yang's pores are relaxed, and all his limbs and bones are madly absorbing the spiritual energy around him.

"The most important purpose of this bowl is to remove impurities from the spirit stone and let the purest spiritual power enter the body of the warrior!"

The martial arts can be cultivated by spirit stone itself, but there are impurities in the spirit stone. At the same time as the warrior cultivates, these impurities must be removed.

With the cultivation mansion, it is a perfect avoidance of the efficiency trouble caused by impurities!

Xiao Yang felt that within a short while, the Qifu in his body felt a little full.

"During the cultivation process, it is about one-fifth faster than usual!" Xiao Yang recalled the introduction of the cultivation mansion in the building system and found that this statement is really true!

"Where is the level spirit stone, what about the Xuan level spirit stone?" Xiao Yang also prepared a Xuan level spirit stone.

When the opportunity came to an end, Xiao Yang put the Xuan-level spirit stone into it.

However, this time, the bowl just lighted up a little bit, but there was no response from the Xuan-level spirit stone.

And the richness in the air has not increased again.

"It seems that this level of cultivation mansion can only bear Fan spirit stones at most. Maybe high level cultivation mansion can get more."

Although the Qifu Warrior itself can also improve its own strength by absorbing Xuan-level spirit stones, it is obvious that this is also a loss of energy.

And compared to the ordinary spirit stone, the loss caused by the direct use of the mysterious spirit stone will be greater.

If a piece of ordinary-level spirit stone contains a spiritual power, then the metaphysical spirit stone contains one hundred spiritual power.

But if it is used for cultivation, a Qifu warrior can digest less than fifty spiritual powers at most, and the remaining share is dissipated through energy loss during the cultivation process.

Xiao Yang practiced in the mansion for a while, and basically mastered the operation method of the mansion.

The spiritual power in the air gradually dissipated, and most of the spiritual power was absorbed into the body by Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang stood up fully and left the cultivation mansion.

"The size of this cultivation mansion can accommodate about ten people for cultivation at once."

Xiao Yang was somewhat entangled. Should he disclose to the Xiao about the practice of the mansion?

People are guilty of sin, but Xiao Yang knows better than anyone else. In terms of the strength of the Xiao , it is not qualified to own a "high-end" building like a mansion.

"Well, ifreach the black iron level forces, he must build at least five first-level cultivation mansion. Obviously, the purpose of the system is to allow one force to cultivate through the cultivation mansion.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yang was relieved.

In this remote village, besides him, who knows the preciousness of the mansion?

In the evening, Xiao Yang went to Xiao Liang's compound and informed him about it.

"Xiaoyang, do you mean that cultivation will be faster in that room?" After listening to Xiao Yang's story, the three old tribes couldn't believe it.

"It is true. Cultivating in a wooden house will increase one-fifth of the normal training speed. However, every practice requires the infusion of ordinary spirit stones. If the density of spiritual power in the wooden house fades, it will be added. To supplement. "