Chapter 38: Mid in Qifu!

"This period of years ago will be a period of rapid development for us. I hope you can seize the opportunity and accelerate your cultivation!"

On the martial arts ground, all the young people who are practicing are stopped.

They captured a very subtle vocabulary from Xiao Yang's words.

"Yes!" The boys shouted loudly, echoing Xiao Yang's words.

"Since there has been a truce with the Feng, if Zheng Daguang goes to Ice Flame Town, there will be no problem."

All along, Xiao Yang has sneaked into Ice Flame Town, sneaking into the ice forest, that is, he did not want the people of the Feng to find their whereabouts, and launched a second encirclement and suppression on them.

But now, Ice Flame Pavilion has already spoken, if the Feng dare to act arbitrarily, Ice Flame Pavilion will not give up.

In this way, the Xiao's road into Ice Flame Town was opened, and the road into the ice forest was not hindered.

Since this is the case, the ice forest hunts fierce beasts, so there is no need to rely on Xiao Yang alone.

"In this way, in the short term, it's a good for us!"

On the development, the Xiao finished the abuse of the Feng, and Xiao Yang had already reported the revenge of killing his father, not only killed Yang Jin, seriously injured Feng Long, but also killed the young master of the Feng. The situation has completely deviated from the direction of the Xiao .

Now, Xiao Yang's goal is no longer the Feng and Yang families, but the Ice Flame Pavilion standing high!


The time flickered, and it was the end of the year.

During this period, Xiao Yang took the juniors of the Xiao many times to enter the ice forest to hunt the murderous beasts.

At the same time, more than half of the more than 200 people of the entire Xiao became warriors during the refining period.

The rest of the Xiao who have not yet become martial arts are either without any talent for cultivation, or women who are very weak, or some elderly people. The younger generation, already have the title of warriors!

Not only that, among the martial arts of the Xiao, there were more than a dozen people including Xiao Ying, who had broken through to the realm of late physical refining. There are dozens of people who have reached the mid-level of refining.

Basically speaking, the juniors who practice on the training ground every day and exercise in the logging field are already above the mid-level of physical training!

Even if it is twelve years old, the very young child has stepped into the middle of the body training!

Such achievements stem from the efforts of the Xiao. They know that the current development of the Xiao is hard-won. On the other hand, it comes from the spirit stone and cultivation mansion provided by Xiao Yang.

This made the entire Xiao take the express train of fast practice.

With the increasing number of them, Xiao Yang also gradually let go and devoted himself to cultivation.

In the late period, near the end of the year, the Xiao went to the ice forest to hunt the murderous beasts. Xiao Yang no longer needs to lead the team!

First, Xiao Feng was promoted to the state of Qifu, and then there were two young generations of the Xiao, who entered the realm. The team who went to the ice forest to hunt the murderous beasts will be completely taken over by these three people!

The storage capacity of the Xiao's warehouse has also become more and more abundant with the passage of time. The ordinary spirit stones in it can already pile up several hills.

Such a strange event makes the three clan elders of the Xiao puzzled.

Why the daily consumption of spirit stones by the Xiao is huge, but there are more and more spirit stones in the warehouse.

"Perhaps, it was Xiao Yang who took Feng San to go out to trade ... or maybe it was Xiao Yang who discovered a small spiritstone vein ..."

No matter how these three clan elders think, Xiao Yang will not tell these clan elders things.

This is the deepest secret in his heart, he will not tell anyone.

Anyway, that spirit stone, it was n't just a big coin in the sky, it just fell.

While doubting the source of the spirit stone, Xiao Sheng did not relax his daily practice. Every day he practiced through the spirit stone, the shackles of the realm soon loosened.

Was originally at the peak of the early stage of Qifu. At the end of the year, he also successfully broke through to the middle of Qifu.

Two months have passed since Xiao Yan died.

In the past two months, the Xiao has gradually slowed down, both economically and from strength.

In addition to the high-end martial arts in the late period of the Qifu, the overall strength of the Xiao has returned to its original level.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the last day of the end of the year.

On this day, Xiao Yang didn't go anywhere, but stayed in the mansion of cultivation. This stay was late into the night.

The original humble cultivation mansion was renovated by Xiao Yang in the past few months. There are some partitions and cushions inside.

Cushion is to prevent uncomfortable buttocks, but the clapboard does not want to make everyone face to face squint during the practice. This is too embarrassing.

"In the middle of Qifu, this is the move today!"

Xiao Yang closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the cushion, took a deep breath, flipped his hands over, and practiced the spirit.

Early ago, Xiao Yang had reached the peak of the early period of Qifu. The fire attribute Qifu had already been filled by Xiao Yang.

The reason why Xiao Yang did not enter the next realm was because Xiao Yang chose to practice a new spirit!

This tactic is even more than the Yang Yang tactic that Xiao Yang first practiced!

It can be said that this is the most top-level skill among the Di-level spirit tactics. Only one step away, it can be compared with the heaven-level spirit tactics!

Xiao Yang's hands are condensed with aura, and there are words in his mouth.

"Thunder, the yin is outside, the yang is inside, and the thunder is struck by thunder, and the sound is not quality."

"Lightning, yin inside, yang outside, venting for lightning, light and silence."

"Thunder, with the nature of killing and killing, the main body of lightning, the killing of the main body of thunder, one of life and death, both phases can be completed!"

Xiao Yangshen shouted, and inside his body, he suddenly peeled off a cloud of spiritual force!

For a time, all was quiet, the night breeze was slow, the sky was shining with thunder, and thunder rumbling.

The vision of heaven and earth!

A mass of purple spiritual power gradually condenses and gradually becomes visible.

"Finished!" Xiao Yang drank again.

In an instant, the thundercloud dissipated, and the bright starry sky was seen again.

Xiao Yang exhaled gently, and the second Qifu was completely formed in Xiao Yang's body!

[Name]: Xiao Yang

[Identity]: The Lord of the Xiao

[Occupation]: None

[Prestige]: 1

[Level]: Middle period of Qifu (1/100)


Before Xiao Yang's Qifu in the early days, he was able to contend with the warriors in the later period of Qifu, but it was only just a contest!

And now, entering the middle period of Qifu is also a double spirit tactic. The warrior at the peak of Qifu may not necessarily be Xiao Yang's opponent!